Verizon remains ready through Hurricane Hone | VZ Stock News


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    Verizon remains prepared for Hurricane Hone’s impact on Hawaii, demonstrating its commitment to keeping communities and first responders connected. The company’s Response Team has conducted year-round preparations, including emergency drills, network infrastructure fortification, and resource mobilization for rapid response.

    Verizon’s network is engineered to withstand severe weather, featuring redundancy in critical components. The company has over 550 portable network assets, 300 satellite-based portable network assets, and more than 1,000 mobile generators ready for deployment. The Verizon Frontline Crisis Response Team, composed primarily of former first responders and military personnel, stands ready to support public safety agencies at no cost.

    In 2023, Verizon supported agencies during three major hurricanes, and in the first seven months of 2024, the team has responded to nearly 800 requests from over 400 agencies in 44 states. Verizon also supports its employees through the VtoV Employee Relief Fund, providing aid during natural disasters or emergencies.

    Verizon si prepara ad affrontare l’impatto dell’uragano Hone alle Hawaii, dimostrando il suo impegno nel mantenere connesse le comunità e i soccorritori. Il Team di Risposta dell’azienda ha condotto preparazioni durante tutto l’anno, comprese esercitazioni di emergenza, rafforzamento delle infrastrutture di rete e mobilitazione delle risorse per una risposta rapida.

    La rete di Verizon è progettata per resistere a condizioni meteorologiche avverse, con ridondanza nelle componenti critiche. L’azienda dispone di oltre 550 asset di rete portatili, 300 asset di rete portatili basati su satellite e più di 1.000 generatori mobili pronti per essere distribuiti. Il Team di Risposta alla Crisi di Verizon Frontline, composto principalmente da ex soccorritori e personale militare, è pronto a supportare le agenzie di pubblica sicurezza senza alcun costo.

    Nel 2023, Verizon ha supportato le agenzie durante tre grandi uragani, e nei primi sette mesi del 2024, il team ha risposto a quasi 800 richieste da oltre 400 agenzie in 44 stati. Verizon sostiene anche i propri dipendenti attraverso il Fondo di Sostegno per i Dipendenti VtoV, fornendo aiuti durante disastri naturali o emergenze.

    Verizon está preparada para afrontar el impacto del huracán Hone en Hawái, demostrando su compromiso de mantener conectadas a las comunidades y a los primeros respondedores. El equipo de respuesta de la empresa ha realizado preparativos durante todo el año, incluidas simulaciones de emergencia, reforzamiento de la infraestructura de red y movilización de recursos para una respuesta rápida.

    La red de Verizon está diseñada para resistir condiciones climáticas severas, con redundancias en componentes críticos. La empresa cuenta con más de 550 activos de red portátiles, 300 activos de red portátiles basados en satélites y más de 1.000 generadores móviles listos para su despliegue. El equipo de respuesta a crisis de Verizon Frontline, compuesto en su mayoría por ex primeros respondedores y personal militar, está listo para apoyar a las agencias de seguridad pública sin costo alguno.

    En 2023, Verizon apoyó a las agencias durante tres grandes huracanes, y en los primeros siete meses de 2024, el equipo ha respondido a casi 800 solicitudes de más de 400 agencias en 44 estados. Verizon también apoya a sus empleados a través del Fondo de Ayuda a Empleados VtoV, proporcionando asistencia durante desastres naturales o emergencias.

    Verizon은 하와이에 미치는 허리케인 호니의 영향을 대비하여 커뮤니티와 응급 서비스 팀이 연결 상태를 유지할 수 있도록 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 회사의 대응 팀은 연중 내내 비상 훈련, 네트워크 인프라 강화, 신속 대응을 위한 자원 동원 등 준비 작업을 수행했습니다.

    Verizon의 네트워크는 심각한 기상 조건을 견딜 수 있도록 설계되었으며, 핵심 구성 요소에 대한 중복성을 갖추고 있습니다. 회사는 550개 이상의 휴대용 네트워크 자산, 300개 위성 기반 휴대용 네트워크 자산, 1,000개 이상의 이동식 발전기를 배치할 준비가 되어 있습니다. Verizon 프론트라인 위기 대응 팀은 주로 전직 응급 서비스 및 군인으로 구성되어 있으며, 공공 안전 기관을 무료로 지원할 준비가 되어 있습니다.

    2023년, Verizon은 세 차례의 큰 허리케인 동안 기관을 지원했으며, 2024년 첫 7개월 동안 팀은 44개 주에서 400개 이상의 기관으로부터 거의 800건의 요청에 응답했습니다. Verizon은 또한 VtoV 직원 구호 기금을 통해 재난이나 비상 상황 중에 직원들을 지원합니다.

    Verizon est préparé à faire face à l’impact de l’ouragan Hone à Hawaï, démontrant son engagement à maintenir les communautés et les premiers intervenants connectés. L’équipe de réponse de l’entreprise a réalisé des préparatifs tout au long de l’année, y compris des simulations d’urgence, le renforcement de l’infrastructure réseau et la mobilisation des ressources pour une réponse rapide.

    Le réseau de Verizon est conçu pour résister aux intempéries sévères, avec une redondance dans les composants critiques. L’entreprise dispose de plus de 550 ressources réseau portables, 300 ressources réseau portables basées sur satellite et plus de 1 000 générateurs mobiles prêts à être déployés. L’équipe de réponse aux crises de Verizon Frontline, composée principalement d’anciens premiers intervenants et de personnel militaire, est prête à soutenir les agences de sécurité publique sans frais.

    En 2023, Verizon a soutenu les agences lors de trois grands ouragans, et au cours des sept premiers mois de 2024, l’équipe a répondu à près de 800 demandes provenant de plus de 400 agences dans 44 états. Verizon soutient également ses employés par le biais du Fonds d’Aide aux Employés VtoV, fournissant une aide lors de catastrophes naturelles ou d’urgences.

    Verizon ist auf die Auswirkungen des Hurrikans Hone auf Hawaii vorbereitet und demonstriert damit sein Engagement, die Gemeinschaften und Ersthelfer miteinander zu verbinden. Das Response-Team des Unternehmens hat das ganze Jahr über Vorbereitungen getroffen, darunter Notfallübungen, Verstärkung der Netzwerk-Infrastruktur und Mobilisierung von Ressourcen für eine schnelle Reaktion.

    Das Netzwerk von Verizon ist so gestaltet, dass es schwerem Wetter standhält, und bietet Redundanzen in kritischen Komponenten. Das Unternehmen verfügt über mehr als 550 tragbare Netzwerkanlagen, 300 tragbare netzbasierten Anlagen auf Satellitenbasis und mehr als 1.000 mobile Generatoren, die für den Einsatz bereit sind. Das Verizon Frontline Krisenreaktionsteam, das hauptsächlich aus ehemaligen Rettungskräften und Militärangehörigen besteht, steht bereit, die öffentlichen Sicherheitsbehörden kostenlos zu unterstützen.

    Im Jahr 2023 unterstützte Verizon Behörden während dreier großer Hurrikane, und in den ersten sieben Monaten des Jahres 2024 hat das Team auf fast 800 Anfragen von mehr als 400 Behörden in 44 Bundesstaaten reagiert. Verizon unterstützt auch seine Mitarbeiter durch den VtoV-Mitarbeiterhilfefonds, der Hilfe bei Naturkatastrophen oder Notfällen bietet.

    Proactive measures such as robust planning, network upgrades, and mobile assets are essential to the response plan

    IRVINE, Calif., Aug. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — As Hurricane Hone passes Hawaii, Verizon remains committed to keeping communities and first responders connected. Verizon’s Response Team has prepared year-round to respond to extreme weather situations, like hurricanes, by taking part in emergency drills, fortifying the network infrastructure, and ensuring resources are mobilized for rapid response.

    “Our focus is on ensuring that when challenges arise, our network stands strong to support first responders and keep people connected with their loved ones and the essential information they need to stay safe,” said Steven Keller, Pacific Market President for Verizon.

    Verizon’s Networks Are Primed
    Verizon’s networks are primed to maintain connectivity even in the face of extreme weather conditions, such as hurricanes. With redundancy built into critical paths and components, Verizon’s network is engineered to withstand severe weather. Verizon engineers have prepared by conducting thorough checks, ensuring backup systems like batteries and generators are operational and refueled.

    In readiness for network recovery operations, Verizon has bolstered its arsenal with deployable assets including:

    • A fleet of over 550 portable network assets, including generator-powered cell sites, drones, and a fixed-wing aircraft for aerial support.
    • An industry-leading 300 satellite-based portable network assets, providing crucial connectivity in scenarios where fiber connections are compromised.
    • More than 1,000 mobile generators to assist communities in maintaining or restoring connectivity, and rapid recovery efforts.

    Verizon Frontline stands at the ready, prepared to assist first responders in any capacity needed
    The Verizon Frontline Crisis Response Team stands ready to help ensure public safety agencies on the front lines of any potential disaster response operations have the mission-critical communications capabilities they will need to achieve their missions. This team, composed primarily of former first responders and military personnel, is solely dedicated to supporting public safety customers during emergencies at no cost to the supported agencies. Verizon Frontline Crisis Response Team members provide portable cell sites, WiFi hotspots, drones, charging stations and other Verizon Frontline devices and solutions that can help enable mission-critical communication and/or boost network performance.

    In 2023, this team supported public safety agencies and the communities they served during three major hurricanes: Hilary, Idalia and Lee. Hurricane Idalia alone saw nearly 100 Verizon Frontline solutions delivered to public safety agencies in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina as they dealt with the aftermath of the storm. In the first seven months of 2024, the Verizon Frontline Crisis Response Team has responded to nearly 800 such requests from more than 400 different agencies in 44 states.

    Verizon is Committed to its Employees
    As part of its commitment to its employees, Verizon supports its workforce through initiatives like the VtoV Employee Relief Fund. First created in 2013, the fund provides aid for Verizon employees affected by natural disasters or emergencies.

    More information
    Visit our Emergency Resource Center at for further details on Verizon’s emergency response capabilities.

    Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) powers and empowers how its millions of customers live, work and play, delivering on their demand for mobility, reliable network connectivity and security. Headquartered in New York City, serving countries worldwide and nearly all of the Fortune 500, Verizon generated revenues of $134.0 billion in 2023. Verizon’s world-class team never stops innovating to meet customers where they are today and equip them for the needs of tomorrow. For more, visit or find a retail location at

    VERIZON’S ONLINE MEDIA CENTER: News releases, stories, media contacts and other resources are available at News releases are also available through an RSS feed. To subscribe, visit

    Media contact:
    Alexis Madrigal
    (908) 763-4642


    How is Verizon (VZ) preparing for Hurricane Hone in Hawaii?

    Verizon (VZ) has conducted year-round preparations, including emergency drills, network infrastructure fortification, and resource mobilization. They have over 550 portable network assets, 300 satellite-based assets, and more than 1,000 mobile generators ready for deployment to maintain connectivity during and after the hurricane.

    What support does Verizon (VZ) offer to first responders during disasters like Hurricane Hone?

    Verizon (VZ) offers support through its Frontline Crisis Response Team, which provides public safety agencies with mission-critical communications capabilities at no cost. This includes portable cell sites, WiFi hotspots, drones, charging stations, and other solutions to enable communication and boost network performance.

    How many emergency requests has Verizon (VZ) responded to in 2024?

    In the first seven months of 2024, Verizon (VZ) has responded to nearly 800 emergency requests from more than 400 different agencies across 44 states through its Frontline Crisis Response Team.

    What is the VtoV Employee Relief Fund offered by Verizon (VZ)?

    The VtoV Employee Relief Fund is an initiative created by Verizon (VZ) in 2013 to provide aid for its employees affected by natural disasters or emergencies. It demonstrates Verizon’s commitment to supporting its workforce during challenging times.

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