VERSES AI Inc. Announces 2024 AGSM Results | VRSSF Stock News


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    VERSES AI Inc. (CBOE Canada: VERS) (OTCQX: VRSSF) held its Annual General and Special Meeting on September 13, 2024, in Vancouver. Shareholders approved all resolutions, including:

    1. Fixing the board at four directors
    2. Electing all director nominees
    3. Re-appointing Smythe LLP as auditor
    4. Renewing the omnibus share incentive plan
    5. Altering the company’s Articles

    The board reappointed Michael Blum, resulting in a five-member board. Shareholders also authorized changes to share classes, including deleting special rights for Class A and B shares and re-designating Class A as ‘Common Shares’. The board approved changing shareholder meeting quorum requirements to 33 1/3 percent of issued voting shares.

    VERSES AI Inc. (CBOE Canada: VERS) (OTCQX: VRSSF) ha tenuto la sua Assemblea Generale e Straordinaria il 13 settembre 2024 a Vancouver. Gli azionisti hanno approvato tutte le delibere, tra cui:

    1. Fissare il consiglio a quattro membri
    2. Elezione di tutti i candidati alla carica di consigliere
    3. Riconferma di Smythe LLP come revisore dei conti
    4. Rinnovo del piano di incentivazione azionaria omnibus
    5. Modifica dello Statuto della società

    Il consiglio ha riconfermato Michael Blum, portando così il numero dei membri a cinque. Gli azionisti hanno anche autorizzato modifiche alle classi di azioni, tra cui la cancellazione dei diritti speciali per le azioni di Classe A e B e la ridefinizione della Classe A come ‘Azioni Ordinarie’. Il consiglio ha approvato la modifica dei requisiti di quorum per le assemblee degli azionisti al 33 1/3 percento delle azioni con diritto di voto emesse.

    VERSES AI Inc. (CBOE Canadá: VERS) (OTCQX: VRSSF) celebró su Junta General y Especial Anual el 13 de septiembre de 2024 en Vancouver. Los accionistas aprobaron todas las resoluciones, incluyendo:

    1. Fijar la junta en cuatro directores
    2. Elegir a todos los candidatos propuestos para director
    3. Reconfirmar a Smythe LLP como auditor
    4. Renovar el plan de incentivos accionarios omnibus
    5. Modificar los Estatutos de la compañía

    La junta reconfirmó a Michael Blum, resultando en un consejo de cinco miembros. Los accionistas también autorizaron cambios en las clases de acciones, incluyendo la eliminación de derechos especiales para las acciones de Clase A y B y la redesignación de la Clase A como ‘Acciones Comunes’. La junta aprobó cambiar los requisitos de quórum para las reuniones de accionistas al 33 1/3 por ciento de las acciones emitidas con derecho a voto.

    VERSES AI Inc. (CBOE 캐나다: VERS) (OTCQX: VRSSF)는 2024년 9월 13일 밴쿠버에서 연례 총회 및 특별 회의를 개최했습니다. 주주들은 모든 결의를 승인했습니다, 포함하여:

    1. 이사회를 네 명의 이사로 고정하기
    2. 모든 이사 후보를 선출하기
    3. Smythe LLP를 감사로 재임명하기
    4. 옴니버스 주식 인센티브 계획을 갱신하기
    5. 회사의 정관 수정하기

    이사회는 마이클 블룸을 재임명하여 총 다섯 명의 이사로 구성되었습니다. 주주들은 또한 주식 클래스 변경을 승인했습니다, 클래스 A와 B의 특별 권리를 삭제하고 클래스 A를 ‘보통주’로 재지정하는 것을 포함하여. 이사회는 주주 총회에 대한 쿼럼 요건을 발행된 의결권 있는 주식의 33 1/3 퍼센트로 변경하는 것을 승인했습니다.

    VERSES AI Inc. (CBOE Canada: VERS) (OTCQX: VRSSF) a tenu son Assemblée Générale Annuelle et Spéciale le 13 septembre 2024 à Vancouver. Les actionnaires ont approuvé toutes les résolutions, y compris :

    1. Fixation du conseil d’administration à quatre membres
    2. Élection de tous les candidats au conseil
    3. Reconduction de Smythe LLP en tant qu’auditeur
    4. Renouvellement du plan d’incitation aux actions omnibus
    5. Modification des statuts de l’entreprise

    Le conseil a reconduit Michael Blum, ce qui a porté le nombre de membres à cinq. Les actionnaires ont également autorisé des modifications des classes d’actions, y compris la suppression des droits spéciaux pour les actions de classe A et B et la redésignation de la classe A en ‘Actions Ordinaires’. Le conseil a approuvé la modification des exigences de quorum pour les assemblées des actionnaires à 33 1/3 pour cent des actions avec droit de vote émises.

    VERSES AI Inc. (CBOE Kanada: VERS) (OTCQX: VRSSF) hielt am 13. September 2024 in Vancouver seine Jahreshauptversammlung und eine Sonderversammlung ab. Die Aktionäre genehmigten alle Beschlüsse, einschließlich:

    1. Festlegung des Vorstands auf vier Direktoren
    2. Wahl aller vorgeschlagenen Direktoren
    3. Wiederernennung von Smythe LLP als Prüfer
    4. Erneuerung des Omnibus-Aktienincentiveplans
    5. Änderung der Statuten des Unternehmens

    Der Vorstand bestätigte Michael Blum und hatte nun insgesamt fünf Mitglieder. Die Aktionäre autorisierten auch Änderungen an den Aktienklassen, darunter die Streichung spezieller Rechte für die Aktien der Klassen A und B und die Umbenennung der Klasse A in ‘Stammaktien’. Der Vorstand genehmigte die Änderung der Quorenanforderungen für die Aktionärsversammlungen auf 33 1/3 Prozent der ausgegebenen stimmberechtigten Aktien.


    • All proposed resolutions were approved by shareholders
    • Board of directors expanded to five members, potentially improving governance
    • Simplification of share structure by re-designating Class A shares as Common Shares


    • Deletion of special rights attached to Class A and B shares may affect certain shareholder privileges
    • Increased quorum requirement to 33 1/3 percent might make it more challenging to conduct shareholder meetings

    VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Sept. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — VERSES AI Inc. (the “Company” or “VERSES“) (CBOE Canada: VERS) (OTCQX: VRSSF) is pleased to announce the results of the Annual General and Special Meeting of shareholders of the Company held in Vancouver, British Columbia on September 13, 2024. All of the resolutions put forward at the meeting were approved, including fixing the number of directors of the Company at four for the ensuing year, the election of all director nominees, the re-appointment of Smythe LLP as the Company’s auditor for the ensuing year and the renewal of the Company’s omnibus share incentive plan. Subsequent to the meeting, the Company’s board of directors reappointed Michael Blum to the board by directors’ resolution. Therefore, the board for the following year consists of Gabriel Rene, Dan Mapes, G. Scott Paterson, Jonathan De Vos and Michael Blum.

    Alteration to the Articles of the Company

    By special resolution, the shareholders also authorized an alteration to the Articles of the Company to: (i) delete the special rights and restrictions attached to the Class A Subordinate Voting Shares and Class B Proportionate Voting Shares of the Company; (ii) re-designate the Class A Subordinate Voting Shares as “Common Shares” of the Company; and (iii) delete and remove references from the Notice of Articles and Articles of the Class B Proportionate Voting Shares.

    The Company’s board of directors also approved by directors’ resolution: (i) an amendment to the Articles of the Company to change the quorum for the transaction of business at a meeting of shareholders from one or more persons(s) who are present or represented by proxy to one or more persons(s) who are present or represent by proxy holding in the aggregate, at least 33 1/3 percent of the issued shares entitled to be voted at the meeting; and (ii) the deletion of the Class B Proportionate Voting Shares.

    Additional details will be provided in a Report of Voting Results to be filed on SEDAR+.

    About VERSES AI Inc.

    VERSES AI is a cognitive computing company specializing in biologically inspired distributed intelligence. Our flagship offering, Genius™, is patterned after natural systems and neuroscience.  Genius™ can learn, adapt and interact with the world.  Key features of Genius™ include generalizability, predictive queries, real-time adaptation and an automated computing network. Built on open standards, Genius™ transforms disparate data into knowledge models that foster trustworthy collaboration between humans, machines and AI, across digital and physical domains. Imagine a smarter world that elevates human potential through innovations inspired by nature. Learn more at VERSESLinkedIn and X

    On behalf of the Company 
    Gabriel René, Founder & CEO, VERSES AI Inc. 
    Press Inquiries: 

    Investor Relations Inquiries 
    U.S., Matthew Selinger, Partner, Integrous Communications, 415-572-8152
    Canada, Leo Karabelas, President, Focus Communications, 416-543-3120


    What were the key outcomes of VERSES AI’s 2024 Annual General and Special Meeting?

    The key outcomes included approval of all resolutions, election of directors, re-appointment of auditors, renewal of the share incentive plan, and authorization to alter the company’s Articles, including changes to share classes and meeting quorum requirements.

    How did the composition of VERSES AI’s board of directors change after the 2024 AGSM?

    The board was initially set at four directors, but Michael Blum was reappointed after the meeting, resulting in a five-member board consisting of Gabriel Rene, Dan Mapes, G. Scott Paterson, Jonathan De Vos, and Michael Blum.

    What changes were made to VERSES AI’s (VRSSF) share structure in the 2024 AGSM?

    Shareholders authorized the deletion of special rights for Class A and B shares, re-designation of Class A Subordinate Voting Shares as ‘Common Shares’, and removal of references to Class B Proportionate Voting Shares from the company’s Articles.

    How did the quorum requirements for VERSES AI shareholder meetings change after the 2024 AGSM?

    The board approved changing the quorum requirement for shareholder meetings from one or more persons to one or more persons holding at least 33 1/3 percent of the issued voting shares, either present or represented by proxy.

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