Elon Musk Says Biden Belied His 2020 Expectations And Turned Out To Be A ‘Radical Leftist Puppet’: Why Billionaire Is Supporting Trump This Time Around


    In a Saturday X exchange with venture capitalist Vinod Khosla, Elon Musk explained his reason for endorsing Donald Trump in the 2024 race.

    Pro- Biden In 2020: Unlike Trump and his team, Musk doesn’t think the 2020 election wasn’t stolen. Musk had a different explanation for the Democratic Party’s win. “All the independent voters I know, myself included, leaned towards [Joe] Biden, thinking he would be a milquetoast moderate. Boring, but moderate,” he said.

    Incidentally, Khosla also identified himself as an independent. “Remember I am an independent, not a democrat or a republican. There are democrats, independents, republicans and then there are a**hole MAGA extremists,” he had said.

    See Also: Elon Musk Says Warren Buffett Is Positioning For Kamala Harris Win With His $277B Cash Pile As Pro-Trumper John Paulson Warns Of Equity Market Exit

    What’s Has Changed: Explaining why he changed side this time around, Musk said Biden turned out to be a “radical leftist puppet of the machine who loves overreaching bureaucracy, just like Kamala [Harris].”

    That’s why Musk and almost all independent voters he knew were supporting Trump this time, he said.

    Taking a potshot at Khosla, Musk said, “Now, you stop being a damn hypocrite and have some empathy for small towns throughout America getting swamped by 10,000+ poorly vetted migrants. It’s not right.”

    Replying to him, the Sun Microsystems co-founder said, “I have to agree that Biden’s treatment of Tesla as the EV leader was unfair so I understand your ire towards him.” It is a known secret that the Biden administration valued General Motors and Ford over Tesla as flagbearers of the U.S. electric vehicle revolution.

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