Bassett Reports Fiscal Third Quarter Results, Updates Progress on Restructuring Plan and Announces Regular Quarterly Dividend | BSET Stock News


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    Bassett Furniture Industries (Nasdaq: BSET) reported its fiscal third quarter results for the period ended August 31, 2024. Key highlights include:

    – Revenues decreased 13% due to a cyber incident that suspended operations for 7 days
    – Operating loss of $6.4 million, including a $1.2 million contract abandonment charge
    – Gross margin of 53.0%, or 53.8% excluding cyber shutdown wage costs
    – Diluted loss per share of $0.52 vs. $0.30 loss in 2023
    – cash flow deficit to $0.4 million despite challenges
    – Declared quarterly dividend of $0.20 per share, an 11% increase

    The company is progressing on its restructuring plan announced in July, aiming to improve annual bottom-line by $5.5-$6.5 million. Bassett remains focused on cost reduction and operational strengthening to drive profitability amid industry challenges.

    Bassett Furniture Industries (Nasdaq: BSET) ha reso noti i risultati del suo terzo trimestre fiscale per il periodo conclusosi il 31 agosto 2024. I punti salienti includono:

    – I ricavi sono diminuiti del 13% a causa di un incidente informatico che ha sospeso le operazioni per 7 giorni
    – Perdita operativa di 6,4 milioni di dollari, inclusi 1,2 milioni di dollari per spese di abbandono contrattuale
    – Margine lordo del 53,0%, o 53,8% escluse le spese salariali del fermo informatico
    – Perdita per azione diluita di 0,52 dollari rispetto a una perdita di 0,30 dollari nel 2023
    – Deficit di flusso di cassa pari a 0,4 milioni di dollari nonostante le sfide
    – Dichiarato dividendo trimestrale di 0,20 dollari per azione, con un incremento dell’11%

    L’azienda sta progredendo nel piano di ristrutturazione annunciato a luglio, con l’obiettivo di migliorare il risultato netto annuale di 5,5-6,5 milioni di dollari. Bassett rimane concentrata sulla riduzione dei costi e sul rafforzamento operativo per aumentare la redditività nonostante le difficoltà del settore.

    Bassett Furniture Industries (Nasdaq: BSET) informó sus resultados del tercer trimestre fiscal para el período finalizado el 31 de agosto de 2024. Los aspectos destacados incluyen:

    – Los ingresos disminuyeron un 13% debido a un incidente cibernético que suspendió las operaciones durante 7 días
    – Pérdida operativa de 6,4 millones de dólares, incluyendo un gasto de 1,2 millones de dólares por abandono de contrato
    – Margen bruto del 53,0%, o 53,8% excluyendo los costos salariales por el cierre cibernético
    – Pérdida por acción diluida de 0,52 dólares frente a una pérdida de 0,30 dólares en 2023
    – Déficit de flujo de efectivo de 0,4 millones de dólares a pesar de los desafíos
    – Se declaró un dividendo trimestral de 0,20 dólares por acción, un aumento del 11%

    La empresa avanza en su plan de reestructuración anunciado en julio, con el objetivo de mejorar el resultado neto anual en 5,5 a 6,5 millones de dólares. Bassett sigue enfocada en la reducción de costos y el fortalecimiento operativo para impulsar la rentabilidad en medio de los desafíos de la industria.

    배셋 가구 산업 (Nasdaq: BSET)는 2024년 8월 31일에 종료된 기간에 대한 3분기 재무 결과를 발표했습니다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

    – 사이버 사건으로 인해 7일간 운영이 중단되어 수익이 13% 감소함
    – 640만 달러의 운영 손실, 계약 포기에 따른 120만 달러의 손실 포함
    – 총 매출 총 이익률 53.0%, 사이버 중단 임금 비용 제외 시 53.8%
    – 희석 주당 손실 0.52달러, 2023년 0.30달러 손실 대비
    – 어려움에도 불구하고 현금 흐름 적자는 40만 달러
    – 주당 0.20달러의 분기 배당금 선언, 11% 증가

    회사는 7월에 발표한 재구성 계획을 진행 중이며, 연간 순이익을 550만에서 650만 달러 개선하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 배셋은 산업의 도전 과제 속에서 수익성을 높이기 위해 비용 절감 및 운영 강화를 동시에 추진하고 있습니다.

    Bassett Furniture Industries (Nasdaq: BSET) a annoncé ses résultats du troisième trimestre fiscal pour la période se terminant le 31 août 2024. Les points essentiels sont les suivants :

    – Les revenus ont diminué de 13 % en raison d’un incident cybernétique qui a suspendu les opérations pendant 7 jours
    – Perte d’exploitation de 6,4 millions de dollars, incluant une charge de 1,2 million de dollars pour abandon de contrat
    – Marge brute de 53,0 %, ou de 53,8 % hors coûts salariaux dus à l’arrêt cybernétique
    – Perte par action diluée de 0,52 dollar contre une perte de 0,30 dollar en 2023
    – Défict de flux de trésorerie de 0,4 million de dollars malgré les défis
    – Dividende trimestriel déclaré de 0,20 dollar par action, une augmentation de 11 %

    La société progresse dans son plan de restructuration annoncé en juillet, visant à améliorer le résultat net annuel de 5,5 à 6,5 millions de dollars. Bassett reste concentré sur la réduction des coûts et le renforcement opérationnel pour favoriser la rentabilité au milieu des défis du secteur.

    Bassett Furniture Industries (Nasdaq: BSET) hat die Ergebnisse des dritten Finanzquartals für den Zeitraum zum 31. August 2024 veröffentlicht. Die wichtigsten Eckdaten sind:

    – Die Einnahmen gingen um 13% zurück, bedingt durch einen Cybervorfall, der die Betriebsabläufe 7 Tage lang unterbrach
    – Operativer Verlust von 6,4 Millionen Dollar, einschließlich einer Rückstellung von 1,2 Millionen Dollar wegen Vertragsaufgabe
    – Bruttogewinnmarge von 53,0%, oder 53,8%, wenn die Löhne während des Cyberausfalls ausgeschlossen werden
    – Verwässerter Verlust pro Aktie von 0,52 Dollar gegenüber einem Verlust von 0,30 Dollar im Jahr 2023
    – Cashflow-Defizit von 0,4 Millionen Dollar trotz der Herausforderungen
    – Erklärte vierteljährliche Dividende von 0,20 Dollar pro Aktie, eine Erhöhung um 11%

    Das Unternehmen macht Fortschritte bei seinem im Juli angekündigten Restrukturierungsplan, der darauf abzielt, das jährliche Ergebnis um 5,5 bis 6,5 Millionen Dollar zu verbessern. Bassett bleibt fokussiert auf Kostensenkung und operative Stärkung, um die Rentabilität inmitten der Herausforderungen der Branche voranzutreiben.


    • Gross margin improved to 53.8% (excluding cyber shutdown costs) from 52.7% in 2023
    • Declared quarterly dividend of $0.20 per share, an 11% increase over prior year
    • cash flow deficit to $0.4 million despite challenging results
    • Restructuring plan on target to improve annual bottom-line by $5.5-$6.5 million


    • Revenues decreased 13% year-over-year
    • Operating loss of $6.4 million compared to $3.8 million loss in 2023
    • Diluted loss per share increased to $0.52 from $0.30 in 2023
    • Cyber incident suspended all financial systems and manufacturing for 7 days
    • $1.2 million loss on abandoned logistical services contract


    The Q3 results for Bassett Furniture Industries (BSET) reveal significant challenges, primarily due to a cyber incident that disrupted operations. Key points:

    • Revenue decreased by 13% year-over-year, largely attributed to a 7-day shutdown of financial systems and manufacturing.
    • Operating loss widened to $6.4 million, including a $1.2 million loss on an abandoned logistical services contract.
    • Gross margin improved slightly to 53.0% (or 53.8% excluding shutdown-related wages) compared to an adjusted 52.7% in 2023.
    • Diluted loss per share increased to $0.52 from $0.30 in the previous year.

    Despite these headwinds, the company managed to limit its cash flow deficit to $0.4 million. The announced 11% increase in quarterly dividend to $0.20 per share suggests management’s confidence in the company’s financial stability. The ongoing restructuring plan, aimed at improving annual bottom-line by $5.5 million to $6.5 million, indicates a proactive approach to addressing profitability challenges. However, the effectiveness of these measures remains to be seen in the coming quarters.

    The cyber incident reported by Bassett Furniture Industries highlights the significant operational and financial risks posed by cybersecurity threats in the manufacturing sector. Key observations:

    • The 7-day shutdown of financial systems and manufacturing operations due to unauthorized IT system activities demonstrates the severe impact of cyber attacks on business continuity.
    • The incident contributed to a substantial revenue decrease and increased operating losses, underscoring the direct financial consequences of cybersecurity breaches.
    • The company incurred additional costs related to the cyber incident, though specific details were not provided.

    This event serves as a stark reminder of the importance of robust cybersecurity measures in the manufacturing industry. Companies must invest in advanced threat detection, rapid response capabilities and comprehensive business continuity plans to mitigate such risks. The incident’s impact on Bassett’s financial performance emphasizes the need for cybersecurity to be a top priority at the executive level, as it directly affects shareholder value and company reputation.

    BASSETT, Va., Oct. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bassett Furniture Industries, Inc. (Nasdaq: BSET) reported today its results of operations for its third quarter ended August 31, 2024. In addition, the Company’s Board of Directors declared a regular quarterly dividend of $0.20 per share of common stock, payable on Nov. 29, 2024, to shareholders of record at the close of business on Nov. 15, 2024. This dividend represents an 11% increase over the prior year’s quarterly dividend.

    Q3 Consolidated Business Highlights: [FY 24 vs. FY 23, unless otherwise specified]

    • Revenues decreased 13%, impacted by a cyber incident that suspended all financial systems and manufacturing for 7 days.
    • Operating loss of $6.4 million, which included a $1.2 million loss on a logistical services contract the Company abandoned and various costs associated with the cyber incident.
    • Gross margin of 53.0%, which included $0.6 million of manufacturing wages paid during the cyber shutdown. Excluding the wage charge, gross profit margin would have been 53.8% as compared to adjusted gross margin of 52.7% in 2023 (see Table 5).
    • Diluted loss per share of $0.52 vs. a loss of $0.30 in 2023.
    • Limited cash flow deficit for the quarter to $0.4 million despite challenging results and cyber disruption related costs.

    Fiscal 2024 Third Quarter Overview
    (Dollars in millions)

      Sales   Operating Income (Loss)
      3rd Qtr   Dollar %   3rd Qtr % of   3rd Qtr % of
       2024  2023   Change Change    2024  Sales    2023  Sales
    Consolidated (1) $ 75.6 $ 87.2   $ (11.6 ) -13.3 %   $ (6.4 ) -8.5%   $ (3.8 ) -4.4%
    Wholesale $ 47.8 $ 56.7   $ (8.9 ) -15.7 %   $ 4.4   9.2%   $ 6.3   11.1%
    Retail $ 47.3 $ 52.3   $ (5.0 ) -9.6 %   $ (2.8 ) -5.9%   $ (3.0 ) -5.7%
    Corporate & Other (2) $ 1.0 $ 1.8   $ (0.8 ) -44.4 %   $ (7.0 ) N/A   $ (7.4 ) N/A
    (1) Our consolidated results for the quarter include certain intercompany eliminations as well as a $1.2 million contract abandonment charge which are not allocated to our segment operating results. See Table 4, “Segment Information” below for an illustration of the effects of these items on our consolidated sales and operating income.
    (2) Corporate and Other includes the operations of Noa Home Inc. along with the shared Corporate costs that are benefiting both the Wholesale and Retail segments.

    “The third quarter is historically our slowest as we customarily shut down manufacturing for the week of July 4th,” said Robert H. Spilman, Jr., Bassett Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “Although we had additional challenges this year, we delivered strong gross margins. In mid-July, we reported that we detected unauthorized activities in our IT systems, which resulted in us shutting down our IT systems and ceasing manufacturing for 7 days. The industry remained challenged by economic factors in the quarter, including a slow housing market that is forecasted to improve heading into 2025. With our strong balance sheet and our focus on right-sizing our expense structure, our goal is to drive better profitability.”

    Update on Restructuring Plan
    The Company made progress on the restructuring plan announced in July to lower its cost structure and to strengthen operations for topline growth. The comprehensive strategy builds on the strength of Bassett’s brand quality, design expertise and service, and focuses on driving revenue growth and profitability long-term. The five-point plan will be completed by the end of the fourth quarter. “We are running a leaner operation, reducing expenses and investing in new products and services,” Spilman added. “Through our restructuring plan, we are on target to improve our bottom-line between $5.5 million and $6.5 million on an annual basis. We are committed to returning to profitability.”

    Conference Call and Webcast
    The Company will hold a conference call to discuss its quarterly results on October 10, 2024, at 9:00 am ET. The public is invited to listen to the conference call by webcast, accessible through the Company’s investor relations website, Participants can also listen to the conference call via A replay and transcript of the conference call will be available on demand on the investor relations site.

    About Bassett Furniture Industries, Inc.
    Bassett Furniture Industries, Inc. (NASDAQ: BSET) is a leading manufacturer and marketer of high-quality home furnishings. With 87 company- and licensee-owned stores at the time of this release, Bassett has leveraged its strong brand name in furniture into a network of corporate and licensed stores that focus on providing consumers with a friendly environment for buying furniture and accessories. Bassett’s retail strategy includes stylish, custom-built furniture that features the latest on-trend furniture styles, free in-home design visits, and coordinated decorating accessories. Bassett also has a traditional wholesale business with more than 700 accounts on the open market, across the United States and internationally. For more information, visit the Company’s website at

    Forward-Looking Statements

    Certain of the statements in this release, particularly those preceded by, followed by or including the words “believes,” “plans,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “intends,” “should,” “estimates,” or similar expressions, or those relating to or anticipating financial results or changes in operations for periods beyond the end of the third fiscal quarter of 2024, constitute “forward looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. For those statements, Bassett claims the protection of the safe harbor for forward-looking statements contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. In many cases, Bassett cannot predict what factors would cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements. Expectations included in the forward-looking statements are based on preliminary information, as well as certain assumptions which management believes to be reasonable at this time. The following important factors affect Bassett and could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated in the forward looking statements: the effects of national and global economic or other conditions and future events on the retail demand for home furnishings and the ability of Bassett’s customers and consumers to obtain credit; the success of marketing, logistics, retail and other initiatives; and the economic, competitive, governmental and other factors identified in Bassett’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Any forward-looking statement that Bassett makes speaks only as of the date of such statement, and Bassett undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Comparisons of results for current and any prior periods are not intended to express any future trends or indication of future performance, unless expressed as such, and should only be viewed as historical data.

    J. Michael Daniel
    Senior Vice President and
    Chief Financial Officer
    (276) 629-6614 – Investors

    Peter D. Morrison
    Vice President of Communications
    (276) 629-6450 – Media

    Table 1
    Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations – unaudited
    (In thousands, except for per share data)
      Quarter Ended   Nine Months
      August 31, 2024   August 26, 2023   August 31, 2024   August 26, 2023
        Percent of     Percent of     Percent of     Percent of
      Amount Net Sales   Amount Net Sales   Amount Net Sales   Amount Net Sales
    Net sales of furniture and accessories $ 75,619   100.0 %   $ 87,217   100.0 %   $ 245,583   100.0 %   $ 295,434   100.0 %
    Cost of furniture and accessories sold   35,526   47.0 %     42,173   48.4 %     113,863   46.4 %     140,360   47.5 %
    Gross profit   40,093   53.0 %     45,044   51.6 %     131,720   53.6 %     155,074   52.5 %
    Selling, general and administrative expenses   45,210   59.8 %     48,848   56.0 %     142,141   57.9 %     154,709   52.4 %
    Loss on contract abandonment   1,240   1.6 %       0.0 %     1,240   0.5 %       0.0 %
    Asset impairment charges     0.0 %       0.0 %     5,515   2.2 %       0.0 %
    Gain on revaluation of contingent consideration     0.0 %       0.0 %       0.0 %     1,013   0.3 %
    Income (loss) from operations   (6,357 ) -8.4 %     (3,804 ) -4.4 %     (17,176 ) -7.0 %     1,378   0.5 %
    Interest income   692   0.9 %     923   1.1 %     2,075   0.8 %     1,644   0.6 %
    Other loss, net   (109 ) -0.1 %     (309 ) -0.4 %     (489 ) -0.2 %     (1,381 ) -0.5 %
    Income (loss) before income taxes   (5,774 ) -7.6 %     (3,190 ) -3.7 %     (15,590 ) -6.3 %     1,641   0.6 %
    Income tax expense (benefit)   (1,269 ) -1.7 %     (599 ) -0.7 %     (2,691 ) -1.1 %     711   0.2 %
    Net income (loss)   (4,505 ) -6.0 %     (2,591 ) -3.0 %     (12,899 ) -5.3 %     930   0.3 %
    Basic and diluted earnings (loss) per share $ (0.52 )     $ (0.30 )     $ (1.48 )     $ 0.11    
    Table 2
    Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
    (In thousands)
    Assets August 31, 2024   November 25, 2023
    Current assets      
    Cash and cash equivalents $ 38,329     $ 52,407
    Short-term investments   17,834       17,775
    Accounts receivable, net   12,974       13,736
    Inventories, net   56,138       62,982
    Recoverable income taxes   2,846       2,574
    Other current assets   9,421       8,480
    Total current assets   137,542       157,954
    Property and equipment, net   78,564       83,981
    Other long-term assets      
    Deferred income taxes, net   7,410       4,645
    Goodwill and other intangible assets   14,199       16,067
    Right of use assets under operating leases   90,274       100,888
    Other   7,873       6,889
    Total long-term assets   119,756       128,489
    Total assets $ 335,862     $ 370,424
    Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity      
    Current liabilities      
    Accounts payable $ 14,232     $ 16,338
    Accrued compensation and benefits   6,595       8,934
    Customer deposits   23,700       22,788
    Current portion of operating lease obligations   18,504       18,827
    Other accrued expenses   10,086       11,003
    Total current liabilities   73,117       77,890
    Long-term liabilities      
    Post employment benefit obligations   10,885       10,207
    Long-term portion of operating lease obligations   85,310       97,357
    Other long-term liabilities   1,514       1,529
    Total long-term liabilities   97,709       109,093
    Stockholders’ equity      
    Common stock   43,674       43,842
    Retained earnings   121,387       139,354
    Additional paid-in-capital         93
    Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)   (25 )     152
    Total stockholders’ equity   165,036       183,441
    Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity $ 335,862     $ 370,424
    Table 3
    Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows – unaudited
    (In thousands)
      Nine Months
      August 31, 2024   August 26, 2023
    Operating activities:      
    Net income (loss) $ (12,899 )   $ 930  
    Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash provided by (used in)    
    operating activities:      
    Depreciation and amortization   7,613       7,502  
    Non-cash asset impairment charges   5,515        
    Gain on revaluation of contingent consideration         (1,013 )
    Inventory valuation charges   4,954       3,814  
    Deferred income taxes   (2,765 )     473  
    Other, net   937       1,781  
    Changes in operating assets and liabilities:      
    Accounts receivable   762       2,499  
    Inventories   1,890       14,797  
    Other current and long-term assets   (1,213 )     (289 )
    Right of use assets under operating leases   13,029       13,668  
    Customer deposits   912       (12,337 )
    Accounts payable and other liabilities   (5,364 )     (6,586 )
    Obligations under operating leases   (15,694 )     (14,990 )
    Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities   (2,323 )     10,249  
    Investing activities:      
    Purchases of property and equipment   (4,720 )     (14,657 )
    Proceeds from disposal of discontinued operations, net         1,000  
    Other   (909 )     (1,664 )
    Net cash used in investing activities   (5,629 )     (15,321 )
    Financing activities:      
    Cash dividends   (4,909 )     (4,406 )
    Other issuance of common stock   275       275  
    Repurchases of common stock   (1,127 )     (4,056 )
    Taxes paid related to net share settlement of equity awards   (161 )     (109 )
    Repayments of finance lease obligations   (210 )     (208 )
    Net cash used in financing activities   (6,132 )     (8,504 )
    Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents   6       (37 )
    Change in cash and cash equivalents   (14,078 )     (13,613 )
    Cash and cash equivalents – beginning of period   52,407       61,625  
    Cash and cash equivalents – end of period $ 38,329     $ 48,012  
    Table 4
    Segment Information – unaudited
    (In thousands)
      Quarter Ended   Nine Months  
        August 31, 2024       August 26, 2023       August 31, 2024       August 26, 2023  
    Sales Revenue                              
    Wholesale sales of furniture and accessories $ 47,828     $ 56,660     $ 155,138     $ 188,318  
    Less: Sales to retail segment   (20,453 )     (23,503 )     (64,967 )     (77,932 )
    Wholesale sales to external customers   27,375       33,157       90,171       110,386  
    Retail sales of furniture and accessories   47,256       52,264       151,478       178,004  
    Corporate & Other – Noa Home (1)   988       1,796       3,934       7,044  
    Consolidated net sales of furniture and accessories $ 75,619     $ 87,217     $ 245,583     $ 295,434  
    Income (Loss) before Income Taxes                              
    Income (Loss) from Operations                              
    Wholesale $ 4,440     $ 6,340     $ 16,886     $ 22,339  
    Retail   (2,840 )     (3,036 )     (6,674 )     (751 )
    Net expenses – Corporate and other (1)   (6,963 )     (7,420 )     (21,500 )     (22,140 )
    Inter-company elimination   246       312       867       917  
    Loss on abandoned warehouse contract   (1,240 )           (1,240 )      
    Asset impairment charges               (5,515 )      
    Gain on revaluation of contingent consideration                     1,013  
    Consolidated income (loss) from operations   (6,357 )     (3,804 )     (17,176 )     1,378  
    Interest income   692       923       2,075       1,644  
    Other loss, net   (109 )     (309 )     (489 )     (1,381 )
    Consolidated income (loss) before income taxes $ (5,774 )   $ (3,190 )   $ (15,590 )   $ 1,641  
    (1) Corporate and Other includes the operations of Noa Home Inc. along with the shared
    Corporate costs that are benefiting both the Wholesale and Retail segments.
    Table 5
    Adjusted Gross Profit
    (In thousands)
      Quarter Ended   Nine Months
      August 31, 2024   August 26, 2023   August 31, 2024   August 26, 2023
        Percent of     Percent of     Percent of     Percent of
      Amount Net Sales   Amount Net Sales   Amount Net Sales   Amount Net Sales
    Gross profit as reported $ 40,093 53.0 %   $ 45,044 51.6 %   $ 131,720 52.5 %   $ 155,074 52.4 %
    Wages paid during cyber shutown   609 0.8 %           609 0.2 %      
    Additional inventory valuation charges         893 1.0 %     2,701 1.1 %     1,896 0.6 %
    Gross profit as adjusted $ 40,702 53.8 %   $ 45,937 52.7 %   $ 135,030 55.0 %   $ 156,970 53.1 %


    What were Bassett Furniture’s (BSET) Q3 2024 financial results?

    Bassett reported a 13% decrease in revenues, an operating loss of $6.4 million, and a diluted loss per share of $0.52 for Q3 2024. The company’s gross margin was 53.0%, or 53.8% excluding cyber shutdown wage costs.

    How did the cyber incident affect Bassett Furniture’s (BSET) Q3 2024 performance?

    The cyber incident suspended all financial systems and manufacturing for 7 days, impacting revenues and contributing to the operating loss. It also resulted in various associated costs and a $0.6 million charge for manufacturing wages paid during the shutdown.

    What is Bassett Furniture’s (BSET) dividend for Q3 2024?

    Bassett declared a regular quarterly dividend of $0.20 per share of common stock, payable on Nov. 29, 2024, to shareholders of record at the close of business on Nov. 15, 2024. This represents an 11% increase over the prior year’s quarterly dividend.

    What progress has Bassett Furniture (BSET) made on its restructuring plan announced in July 2024?

    Bassett reported making progress on its restructuring plan, which aims to lower costs and strengthen operations. The company is on target to improve its annual bottom-line by $5.5 million to $6.5 million through this comprehensive strategy, focusing on driving revenue growth and profitability long-term.

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