Biden Faces Pressure To Release Thousands Imprisoned For Federal Cannabis Convictions


    A coalition of cannabis advocates is ramping up pressure on President Joe Biden to act on his promise of cannabis justice.

    On Tuesday, the Last Prisoner Project (LPP) and several partner organizations announced the Countdown for Clemency campaign, urging Biden to grant clemency to nearly 3,000 individuals still incarcerated for federal marijuana offenses, Marijuana Moment reported.

    See Also: President Biden Pardons, Commutes 16 Non-Violent Drug Offenders: Cannabis Prisoners Excluded

    Activists Call For Broader Action

    Despite Biden’s past efforts, which included pardoning thousands of people with federal cannabis possession convictions, no one has been released from prison as a result.

    The new campaign is pushing the president to use his clemency powers to right this wrong. “Time is running out on President Biden’s term, but it is not too late for him to undo the harms inflicted on families impacted by cannabis criminalization,” said Sarah Gersten, executive director of LPP.

    The campaign’s website features a large countdown clock, symbolizing the dwindling time before Biden’s term ends. While Biden’s pardons have helped people clear their records, the administration has not commuted the sentences of those still behind bars for cannabis-related offenses.

    Recent polls show that Americans overwhelmingly support clemency for those incarcerated for marijuana offenses, now legal in many states. 84% of voters support releasing people serving time for cannabis crimes, while 72% approve of Biden’s previous pardons for non-violent possession convictions.

    Congressional Push Adds Weight

    The campaign for clemency has gained momentum in Congress, where 36 lawmakers wrote to Biden in March, urging him to commute the sentences of non-violent cannabis offenders.

    Biden, however, has maintained a cautious stance. At a Wisconsin campaign stop earlier this year, he expressed his support for rescheduling marijuana but drew a distinction between users and dealers. “If you’re out selling it, if you’re out growing, it’s a different deal,” Biden said.

    The Clock Is Ticking As November Elections Loom

    With the 2024 election approaching, the administration appears aware of the growing public demand for cannabis reform.

    Both Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have emphasized their efforts to address the issue, including a carefully timed announcement on April 20, a significant date in cannabis culture.

    Harris has also publicly called on the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to speed up its review of marijuana’s classification under federal law.

    With only months left in Biden’s presidency, the clock is ticking for thousands of individuals still serving time for cannabis offenses.

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