Corporación América Airports Announces an Increase in Domestic Passenger Fees in Argentina | CAAP Stock News


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    Corporación América Airports S.A. (NYSE: CAAP), a leading private airport operator, has announced a significant increase in domestic passenger fees for airports operated by its subsidiary, Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 (AA2000) in Argentina. The Argentine airport regulator, ORSNA, has approved Resolution No. 29/2024, which raises the fee from ARS2,540 to ARS5,685. This new tariff will be applied to tickets issued from the date of the resolution’s publication and for travel occurring after a 30-day period from that date.

    Corporación América Airports S.A. (NYSE: CAAP), un importante operatore di aeroporti privati, ha annunciato un significativo aumento delle tariffe per i passeggeri domestici negli aeroporti gestiti dalla sua controllata, Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 (AA2000) in Argentina. Il regolatore aeroportuale argentino, ORSNA, ha approvato la Risoluzione n. 29/2024, che incrementa la tariffa da ARS2.540 a ARS5.685. Questa nuova tariffa sarà applicata ai biglietti emessi dalla data di pubblicazione della risoluzione e per i viaggi che avverranno dopo un periodo di 30 giorni da tale data.

    Corporación América Airports S.A. (NYSE: CAAP), un importante operador de aeropuertos privados, ha anunciado un aumento significativo en las tarifas de pasajeros nacionales para los aeropuertos operados por su filial, Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 (AA2000) en Argentina. El regulador aeroportuario argentino, ORSNA, ha aprobado la Resolución No. 29/2024, que eleva la tarifa de ARS2,540 a ARS5,685. Esta nueva tarifa se aplicará a los boletos emitidos a partir de la fecha de publicación de la resolución y para los viajes que ocurran después de un período de 30 días desde esa fecha.

    Corporación América Airports S.A. (NYSE: CAAP), 주요 민간 공항 운영자, 자회사가 운영하는 아르헨티나의 Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 (AA2000) 공항의 국내 승객 요금을 대폭 인상한다고 발표했습니다. 아르헨티나의 공항 규제 기관인 ORSNA는 요금을 ARS2,540에서 ARS5,685로 인상하는 결의안 제29/2024를 승인했습니다. 이 새로운 요금은 결의안 발표일 이후 발행된 티켓에 적용되며, 해당 날짜로부터 30일 후에 발생하는 여행에 적용됩니다.

    La Corporación América Airports S.A. (NYSE: CAAP), un opérateur aéroportuaire privé de premier plan, a annoncé une augmentation significative des tarifs des passagers domestiques pour les aéroports gérés par sa filiale, Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 (AA2000) en Argentine. Le régulateur aéroportuaire argentin, ORSNA, a approuvé la Résolution n° 29/2024, qui élève le tarif de ARS2,540 à ARS5,685. Ce nouveau tarif s’appliquera aux billets émis à partir de la date de publication de la résolution et pour les voyages ayant lieu après un délai de 30 jours suivant cette date.

    Die Corporación América Airports S.A. (NYSE: CAAP), ein führender Betreiber privater Flughäfen, hat eine erhebliche Erhöhung der Inlandsfluggastgebühren für Flughäfen bekannt gegeben, die von ihrer Tochtergesellschaft Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 (AA2000) in Argentinien betrieben werden. Die argentinische Flughafenaufsichtsbehörde ORSNA hat die Resolution Nr. 29/2024 genehmigt, die die Gebühr von ARS2.540 auf ARS5.685 anhebt. Dieser neue Tarif wird aufTickets angewendet, die ab dem Datum der Veröffentlichung der Resolution ausgestellt werden, und für Reisen, die nach einem Zeitraum von 30 Tagen ab diesem Datum stattfinden.


    • Significant increase in domestic passenger fees from ARS2,540 to ARS5,685
    • Potential for increased revenue from higher passenger fees


    • Higher fees may potentially impact passenger demand for domestic flights


    This tariff increase is a significant development for Corporación América Airports, particularly for its Argentine operations through AA2000. The 124% increase in domestic passenger fees from ARS2,540 to ARS5,685 is substantial and will directly impact the company’s revenue stream. However, it’s important to consider this in the context of Argentina’s high inflation environment.

    While the nominal increase is large, the real impact may be less pronounced due to the peso’s devaluation. Investors should note that this fee hike could potentially offset some inflationary pressures on CAAP’s Argentine operations. The timing of implementation – applying to tickets issued immediately but for travel after 30 days – suggests a quick revenue boost without immediate passenger deterrence.

    For long-term investors, this demonstrates CAAP’s ability to adjust pricing in response to economic conditions, which is important in volatile markets like Argentina. However, it’s important to monitor any potential impact on passenger volumes, as higher fees could affect demand, especially in a challenging economic climate.

    LUXEMBOURG–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Corporación América Airports S.A. (NYSE: CAAP), (“CAAP” or the “Company”), one of the world’s leading private airport operators, announced today that the Argentine airport regulator, Organismo Regulador del Sistema Nacional de Aeropuertos (“ORSNA”), has published Resolution No. 29/2024, approving an increase in the domestic passenger fee from ARS2,540 to ARS5,685, for airports operated by its subsidiary, Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 (“AA2000”). The new tariff applies to tickets issued from the date of the resolution’s publication and for travel occurring after thirty calendar days from that date.

    About Corporación América Airports

    Corporación América Airports acquires, develops and operates airport concessions. The Company is one of the leading private airport operators in the world, currently operating 52 airports in 6 countries across Latin America and Europe (Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Ecuador, Armenia and Italy). In 2023, Corporación América Airports served 81.1 million passengers, 23.7% above the 65.6 million passengers served in 2022 and 3.6% below the 84.2 million served in 2019. The Company is listed on the New York Stock Exchange where it trades under the ticker “CAAP”. For more information, visit

    Investor Relations Contact

    Patricio Iñaki Esnaola


    Phone: +5411 4899-6716

    Source: Corporación América Airports


    What is the new domestic passenger fee for CAAP’s airports in Argentina?

    The new domestic passenger fee for airports operated by CAAP’s subsidiary, Aeropuertos Argentina 2000, in Argentina has increased from ARS2,540 to ARS5,685.

    When will the new passenger fee for CAAP’s Argentine airports take effect?

    The new passenger fee will apply to tickets issued from the date of Resolution No. 29/2024’s publication and for travel occurring after thirty calendar days from that date.

    Which regulatory body approved the passenger fee increase for CAAP’s airports in Argentina?

    The Argentine airport regulator, Organismo Regulador del Sistema Nacional de Aeropuertos (ORSNA), approved the increase in domestic passenger fees through Resolution No. 29/2024.

    What is the percentage increase in domestic passenger fees for CAAP’s Argentine airports?

    The domestic passenger fee for CAAP’s airports in Argentina has increased by approximately 123.8%, from ARS2,540 to ARS5,685.

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