dynaCERT Receives Final Verra Approval of its Carbon Credit Methodology | DYFSF Stock News


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    dynaCERT Inc. (TSX: DYA) (OTC: DYFSF) has received final Verra approval for its Carbon Credit Methodology, marking a significant milestone for the company. This approval validates the impact of dynaCERT’s HydraGEN™ Technology, designed to reduce fuel consumption and carbon emissions in various Internal Combustion Engines (ICE).

    The Verra-approved methodology opens opportunities for dynaCERT clients to earn recurring streams of Carbon Credits by using HydraGEN™ Technology. The company plans to equally share these Carbon Credit benefits with technology users. A unique feature of dynaCERT’s methodology is the precise, objective measurement of GHG emissions reduction using HydraLytica™ Telematics, which enhances the market value of the company’s Carbon Credits.

    This development positions dynaCERT to propose Verra Carbon Credit advantages globally, potentially expanding the reach and impact of its emissions-reduction solutions across various sectors including transportation, mining, construction, oil & gas, and diesel generators.

    dynaCERT Inc. (TSX: DYA) (OTC: DYFSF) ha ricevuto l’approvazione finale di Verra per la sua metodologia di crediti di carbonio, segnando un traguardo significativo per l’azienda. Questa approvazione convalida l’impatto della HydraGEN™ Technology di dynaCERT, progettata per ridurre il consumo di carburante e le emissioni di carbonio in vari motori a combustione interna (ICE).

    La metodologia approvata da Verra apre opportunità per i clienti di dynaCERT di guadagnare entrate ricorrenti di crediti di carbonio utilizzando la tecnologia HydraGEN™. L’azienda prevede di condividere equamente questi benefici dei crediti di carbonio con gli utenti della tecnologia. Una caratteristica unica della metodologia di dynaCERT è la misurazione precisa e obiettiva della riduzione delle emissioni di gas serra (GHG) mediante HydraLytica™ Telematics, che migliora il valore di mercato dei crediti di carbonio dell’azienda.

    Questo sviluppo posiziona dynaCERT per proporre vantaggi dei crediti di carbonio Verra a livello globale, espandendo potenzialmente la portata e l’impatto delle sue soluzioni per la riduzione delle emissioni in vari settori, tra cui trasporti, estrazione mineraria, edilizia, petrolio e gas, e generatori diesel.

    dynaCERT Inc. (TSX: DYA) (OTC: DYFSF) ha recibido la aprobación final de Verra para su metodología de créditos de carbono, marcando un hito significativo para la empresa. Esta aprobación valida el impacto de la HydraGEN™ Technology de dynaCERT, diseñada para reducir el consumo de combustible y las emisiones de carbono en diversos Motores de Combustión Interna (ICE).

    La metodología aprobada por Verra abre oportunidades para que los clientes de dynaCERT obtengan flujos recurrentes de Créditos de Carbono utilizando la tecnología HydraGEN™. La empresa planea compartir estos beneficios de créditos de carbono de manera equitativa con los usuarios de la tecnología. Una característica única de la metodología de dynaCERT es la medición precisa y objetiva de la reducción de emisiones de GHG mediante HydraLytica™ Telematics, lo que mejora el valor de mercado de los créditos de carbono de la empresa.

    Este desarrollo posiciona a dynaCERT para proponer ventajas de Créditos de Carbono Verra a nivel mundial, potencialmente expandiendo el alcance y el impacto de sus soluciones de reducción de emisiones en varios sectores, incluido el transporte, la minería, la construcción, el petróleo y gas, y generadores diésel.

    dynaCERT Inc. (TSX: DYA) (OTC: DYFSF)는 탄소 크레딧 방법론에 대한 최종 Verra 승인을 받았으며, 이는 회사에 있어 중요한 이정표가 됩니다. 이 승인으로 dynaCERT의 HydraGEN™ Technology의 영향력이 입증되었습니다. 이 기술은 다양한 내부 연소 엔진(ICE)의 연료 소비와 탄소 배출을 줄이도록 설계되었습니다.

    Verra의 승인을 받은 방법론은 dynaCERT 고객이 HydraGEN™ 기술을 사용하여 재발생하는 탄소 크레딧을 획득할 수 있는 기회를 열어줍니다. 회사는 이러한 탄소 크레딧 혜택을 기술 사용자와 공평하게 나누는 계획입니다. dynaCERT 방법론의 유니크한 특징은 HydraLytica™ Telematics를 사용한 GHG 배출 감소의 정확하고 객관적인 측정으로, 이는 회사의 탄소 크레딧 시장 가치를 높이는 데 기여합니다.

    이 발전은 dynaCERT가 Verra 탄소 크레딧의 이점을 전 세계에 제안할 수 있는 위치에 있으며, 운송, 채굴, 건설, 석유 및 가스, 그리고 디젤 발전기 등 다양한 분야에서 자사의 배출 감소 솔루션의 영향력과 범위를 확장할 수 있는 잠재력을 제공합니다.

    dynaCERT Inc. (TSX: DYA) (OTC: DYFSF) a reçu l’approbation finale de Verra pour sa méthodologie de crédits carbone, marquant une étape importante pour l’entreprise. Cette approbation valide l’impact de la HydraGEN™ Technology de dynaCERT, conçue pour réduire la consommation de carburant et les émissions de carbone dans divers moteurs à combustion interne (ICE).

    La méthodologie approuvée par Verra ouvre des opportunités pour les clients de dynaCERT de gagner des flux récurrents de Crédits Carbone en utilisant la Technologie HydraGEN™. La société prévoit de partager ces avantages des crédits carbone de manière équitable avec les utilisateurs de la technologie. Une caractéristique unique de la méthodologie de dynaCERT est la mesure précise et objective de la réduction des émissions de GES à l’aide de HydraLytica™ Telematics, ce qui améliore la valeur marchande des crédits carbone de l’entreprise.

    Ce développement positionne dynaCERT pour proposer des avantages de Crédit Carbone Verra à l’échelle mondiale, élargissant potentiellement la portée et l’impact de ses solutions de réduction des émissions dans divers secteurs, y compris le transport, l’extraction minière, la construction, le pétrole et le gaz, et les générateurs diesel.

    dynaCERT Inc. (TSX: DYA) (OTC: DYFSF) hat die endgültige Verra Genehmigung für seine Kohlenstoffkreditmethodik erhalten, was einen bedeutenden Meilenstein für das Unternehmen darstellt. Diese Genehmigung validiert die Auswirkungen der HydraGEN™ Technology von dynaCERT, die entwickelt wurde, um den Kraftstoffverbrauch und die Kohlenstoffemissionen in verschiedenen Verbrennungsmotoren (ICE) zu reduzieren.

    Die von Verra genehmigte Methodik eröffnet dynaCERT-Kunden die Möglichkeit, wiederkehrende Einnahmen aus Kohlenstoffkrediten zu erzielen, indem sie die HydraGEN™ Technologie verwenden. Das Unternehmen plant, diese Vorteile der Kohlenstoffkredite gleichmäßig mit den Technologieanwendern zu teilen. Ein einzigartiges Merkmal der Methodik von dynaCERT ist die präzise, objektive Messung der Reduzierung von Treibhausgasemissionen (THG) unter Verwendung von HydraLytica™ Telematics, was den Marktwert der Kohlenstoffkredite des Unternehmens erhöht.

    Dieses Entwicklung positioniert dynaCERT, um Verra-Kohlenstoffkreditvorteile global anzubieten und möglicherweise die Reichweite und den Einfluss seiner Lösungen zur Emissionsreduzierung in verschiedenen Sektoren wie Transport, Bergbau, Bau, Öl und Gas sowie Dieselgeneratoren zu erweitern.


    • Received final Verra approval for Carbon Credit Methodology
    • Opens opportunity for clients to earn recurring Carbon Credits
    • Precise measurement of GHG emissions reduction using HydraLytica™ Telematics
    • Potential for global expansion of Carbon Credit advantages
    • Equal sharing of Carbon Credit benefits with HydraGEN™ Technology users

    TORONTO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– dynaCERT Inc. (TSX: DYA) (OTC: DYFSF) (FRA: DMJ) (“dynaCERT” or the “Company”) is very pleased to announce that the Company has received the final Verra approval of its Carbon Credit Methodology.

    This Verra-approved methodology marks a significant milestone in dynaCERT’s ongoing business evolution, as it underscores the impact of the Company’s HydraGEN™ Technology, which is designed to reduce both fuel consumption and carbon emissions in a wide range of sizes of Internal Combustion Engines (“ICE”). dynaCERT’s innovative product line serves an extensive range of ICE applications, including sectors such as transportation, mining, construction, oil & gas and diesel generators.

    The Verra Methodology

    On October 4, 2024, Verra published its Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Methodology Revision VMR0004 Improved Efficiency of Fleet Vehicles, v2.0. See the recently published Methodology here: Verra Methodology. See also the Verra Press Release of October 4, 2024, entitled “Verra Publishes Revised Vehicle Fleet Efficiency Methodology” here: Verra Press Release.

    According to Verra:

    “This methodology was developed by dynaCERT (and others), based on CDM methodology AMS-III.BC Emission Reductions Through Improved Efficiency of Vehicle Fleets, v3.0.

    This methodology is applicable to project activities that improve the efficiency of vehicle fleets, including transport vehicles and mobile machinery, resulting in reduced greenhouse gas emissions from fuel and electricity consumption.

    This revision introduces the option to monitor individual vehicles using telematics systems, which provide continuous tracking of odometer readings, fuel consumption, and operational time. This data is recorded in a centralized database, streamlining project monitoring.

    Additionally, the methodology has been updated to better align with net-zero transition goals by setting a cut-off date for the inclusion of new fossil fuel vehicles and ensuring compatibility with national and regional net-zero transition plans and decarbonization strategies.

    It also incorporates a conservativeness deduction based on uncertainty assessment and enhances the additionality demonstration procedures by including the investment analysis option, requiring a common practice analysis, and excluding the common practice barrier.

    This methodology is a revision to AMS-III.BC.: Emission reductions through improved efficiency of vehicle fleets (external) and is globally applicable to project activities that improve the efficiency of vehicle fleets and mobile machinery (e.g., fleets of trucks, buses, cars, taxis or motorized tricycles, excavators, cranes), resulting in reduced fuel usage and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.”

    Recurring Benefits for dynaCERT Clients

    This pivotal approval by Verra opens the door for many clients of dynaCERT to earn a multi-year recurring stream of valuable Carbon Credits by using the Company’s HydraGEN™ Technology. dynaCERT plans to share equally the Carbon Credit benefits registered under Verra with users of HydraGEN™ Technology.

    Quantification of GHG Reductions

    In addition to providing a financial incentive derived from the sale of Carbon Credits, users deploying HydraGEN™ Technology will now have the ability to accurately quantify their GHG emissions reductions. This measurable impact is a key criterion for driving significant sales of HydraGEN™ Technology to large-scale clients.

    Measurement Objectivity

    A unique feature of the Methodology developed by dynaCERT is the precise, objective measurement of reduction of GHG emissions. dynaCERT’s HydraLytica™ Telematics eliminates human intervention and derives all its data from the Internal Combustion Engine’s ECU. This level of accuracy is expected to enhance the market value of dynaCERT’s Carbon Credits, as uncertainties and assumptions that often affect the valuation of competing Carbon Credits can be avoided.

    Global Significance

    This represents a major breakthrough for dynaCERT. Also, as dynaCERT’s HydraGEN™ Technology is designed to function on millions of engines world-wide, dynaCERT is now positioned to propose the advantages of Verra Carbon Credits on a global scale, expanding the reach and impact of the Company’s emissions-reduction solutions.

    Dr. James Tansey, a director of dynaCERT and the CEO and a Director of Carbon Done Right Developments (TSX:V KLX), a public company focused on the development of carbon credits which to date has developed a portfolio of over 43,000,000 tonnes of carbon credits, stated, “The Verra Methodology is particularly suited to benefit clients of dynaCERT that wish to reduce their carbon footprint using the Company’s HydraGEN™ Technology. In addition, dynaCERT’s HydraLytica™ Telematics is expected to be very well received in Carbon Credit markets.”

    Jean-Pierre Colin, Executive Vice President & Director and CFO of dynaCERT, stated, “The entry of dynaCERT into the multidimensional world of Carbon Credits marks a hugely important catalyst in our Company’s history. A new pathway has opened up which has potential to grow to become exponentially significant. The more HydraGEN™ Technology Units that dynaCERT distributes throughout the globe, the more users of the technology can apply for Carbon Credits. Through dynaCERT and Verra’s Methodology, many users of ICE engines throughout the world using dynaCERT’s HydraGEN™ Technology now have the opportunity to become validated contributors to the global effort to reduce GHG emissions.”

    Jim Payne, Chairman and CEO of dynaCERT, stated, “On behalf of the entire board of dynaCERT, I congratulate and thank our team of Carbon Credit experts, our consultants and our contributors that made this Verra step a possibility. We also sincerely thank all the professionals at Verra who worked diligently to bring this Methodology to fruition. Many of our customers that strive to improve their sustainability image have indicated that they prefer vehicles equipped with our technology. From now on our clients can capitalize on the benefits of HydraGEN™ Technology by generating future streams of Carbon Credits. Verra Carbon Credits have the potential to benefit our clients as well as our dealers and all our stakeholders, as they align with our corporate goals. I look forward to discussing our developments and objectives with our clients and dealers in the following weeks.”

    About VERRA

    VERRA was founded in 2005 by environmental and business leaders who saw the need for greater quality assurance in voluntary carbon markets. The organization now serves as a secretariat for CDM, VCS, JI, VIVO, Gold Standard organizations to develop the various standards and various programs they manage, as well as an incubator of new ideas that can generate meaningful environmental and social values of scale. Headquarters are in Washington, DC, and with staff working remotely in various parts of the world. VERRA is a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization in the USA.

    About dynaCERT Inc.

    dynaCERT Inc. manufactures and distributes Carbon Emission Reduction Technology along with its proprietary HydraLytica™ Telematics, a means of monitoring fuel consumption and calculating GHG emissions savings designed for the tracking of possible future Carbon Credits for use with internal combustion engines. As part of the growing global hydrogen economy, our patented technology creates hydrogen and oxygen on-demand through a unique electrolysis system and supplies these gases through the air intake to enhance combustion, which has shown to lower carbon emissions and improve fuel efficiency. Our technology is designed for use with many types and sizes of diesel engines used in on-road vehicles, reefer trailers, off-road construction, power generation, mining and forestry equipment. Website: www.dynaCERT.com.


    This press release of dynaCERT Inc. contains statements that constitute “forward-looking statements”. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause dynaCERT’s actual results, performance or achievements, or developments in the industry to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. In particular, information relating to Verra, the Verra Methodology and Carbon Credits cannot be independently verified. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Actual results may vary from the forward-looking information in this news release due to certain material risk factors. This news release is not intended for distribution to U.S. news services or for dissemination in the United States.

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    On Behalf of the Board

    Murray James Payne, CEO

    For more information, please contact:

    Jim Payne, Chairman & CEO

    dynaCERT Inc.

    #101 – 501 Alliance Avenue

    Toronto, Ontario M6N 2J1

    +1 (416) 766-9691 x 2


    Investor Relations

    dynaCERT Inc.

    Nancy Massicotte

    +1 (416) 766-9691 x 1


    Source: dynaCERT Inc.


    What is the significance of Verra’s approval for dynaCERT’s Carbon Credit Methodology?

    Verra’s approval validates dynaCERT’s HydraGEN™ Technology’s impact on reducing fuel consumption and carbon emissions. It allows dynaCERT clients to earn recurring Carbon Credits and positions the company to offer these advantages globally.

    How does dynaCERT’s HydraLytica™ Telematics contribute to the value of their Carbon Credits?

    HydraLytica™ Telematics provides precise, objective measurement of GHG emissions reduction without human intervention, enhancing the market value of dynaCERT’s Carbon Credits by eliminating uncertainties and assumptions often affecting competing Carbon Credits.

    What industries can benefit from dynaCERT’s (DYFSF) HydraGEN™ Technology?

    dynaCERT’s HydraGEN™ Technology can benefit various industries using Internal Combustion Engines, including transportation, mining, construction, oil & gas, and diesel generators.

    How does dynaCERT (DYFSF) plan to share the Carbon Credit benefits with its clients?

    dynaCERT plans to equally share the Carbon Credit benefits registered under Verra with users of its HydraGEN™ Technology, creating a mutually beneficial arrangement for the company and its clients.

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