Intermap’s Team Chosen for Major NGA Data Contract | ITMSF Stock News


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    Intermap Technologies, in partnership with CACI, has been selected as one of 10 qualified vendors for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency’s (NGA) Luno A program. This initiative, valued at up to $290 million over five years, represents a significant increase from the original $29 million budget for the Economic Indicator Monitoring (EIM) effort.

    Luno A aims to provide continually updated, low-latency foundation data to support critical national security indicators. The program will leverage commercial satellite data and integrate advanced computer vision and AI-driven geospatial intelligence to monitor economic activities, military capabilities, and environmental conditions.

    Team CACI’s platform will combine Intermap’s patented IRIS™ processing suite with CACI’s Feature Trace software, utilizing advanced geospatial AI/ML models to deliver precise, near-real-time feature datasets. This technology can generate insights for analysts and power DEM and map sheet updates through change detection of manmade and natural features.

    Intermap Technologies, in collaborazione con CACI, è stata selezionata come uno dei 10 fornitori qualificati per il programma Luno A della National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA). Questa iniziativa, valutata fino a $290 milioni in cinque anni, rappresenta un notevole aumento rispetto al budget originale di 29 milioni di dollari per il progetto di Monitoraggio degli Indicatori Economici (EIM).

    Luno A mira a fornire dati fondamentali continuamente aggiornati e a bassa latenza per supportare indicatori critici di sicurezza nazionale. Il programma sfrutterà dati satellitari commerciali e integrerà intelligenza artificiale e visione artificiale avanzata per monitorare attività economiche, capacità militari e condizioni ambientali.

    La piattaforma del Team CACI combinerà il suite di elaborazione brevettata IRIS™ di Intermap con il software Feature Trace di CACI, utilizzando modelli AI/ML geospaziali avanzati per fornire set di dati sulle caratteristiche precisi e quasi in tempo reale. Questa tecnologia può generare approfondimenti per gli analisti e alimentare aggiornamenti di DEM e mappe attraverso il rilevamento delle modifiche delle caratteristiche artificiali e naturali.

    Intermap Technologies, en asociación con CACI, ha sido seleccionada como uno de los 10 proveedores calificados para el programa Luno A de la Agencia Nacional de Inteligencia Geoespacial (NGA). Esta iniciativa, valorada en hasta $290 millones durante cinco años, representa un aumento significativo respecto al presupuesto original de 29 millones de dólares para el esfuerzo de Monitoreo de Indicadores Económicos (EIM).

    Luno A tiene como objetivo proporcionar datos de base actualizados continuamente y de baja latencia para respaldar indicadores críticos de seguridad nacional. El programa aprovechará datos de satélites comerciales e integrará inteligencia geoespacial impulsada por IA y visión por computadora avanzada para monitorear actividades económicas, capacidades militares y condiciones ambientales.

    La plataforma del equipo CACI combinará la suite de procesamiento patentada IRIS™ de Intermap con el software Feature Trace de CACI, utilizando modelos de IA/ML geoespaciales avanzados para ofrecer conjuntos de datos de características precisos y casi en tiempo real. Esta tecnología puede generar información para analistas y actualizar DEM y hojas de mapas mediante la detección de cambios en características artificiales y naturales.

    Intermap Technologies는 CACI와 협력하여 국가지리정보국(NGA)의 Luno A 프로그램을 위한 10개의 자격을 갖춘 공급업체 중 하나로 선정되었습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 5년 동안 최대 $2억 9천만 달러의 가치가 있으며, 경제 지표 모니터링(EIM) 프로젝트의 원래 예산인 2천9백만 달러에서 상당히 증가한 것입니다.

    Luno A는 국가 안보 지표를 지원하기 위해 지속적으로 업데이트되는 저지연 기본 데이터를 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 프로그램은 상업 위성 데이터를 활용하고 고급 컴퓨터 비전 및 AI 기반 지리정보를 통합하여 경제 활동, 군사 능력 및 환경 조건을 모니터링합니다.

    팀 CACI의 플랫폼은 Intermap의 특허받은 IRIS™ 처리 제품군과 CACI의 Feature Trace 소프트웨어를 결합하여 고급 지리정보 AI/ML 모델을 사용하여 정확하고 거의 실시간에 가까운 특징 데이터 세트를 제공합니다. 이 기술은 분석가에게 통찰력을 제공하고 인위적인 변화와 자연적 특징의 변화 감지를 통해 DEM 및 지도 시트를 업데이트할 수 있습니다.

    Intermap Technologies, en partenariat avec CACI, a été sélectionnée comme l’un des 10 fournisseurs qualifiés pour le programme Luno A de la National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA). Cette initiative, d’une valeur maximale de 290 millions de dollars sur cinq ans, représente une augmentation significative par rapport au budget initial de 29 millions de dollars pour l’effort de Surveillance des Indicateurs Économiques (EIM).

    Luno A vise à fournir des données de base continuellement mises à jour et à faible latence pour soutenir des indicateurs critiques de sécurité nationale. Le programme exploitera des données de satellites commerciaux et intégrera des technologies avancées de vision par ordinateur et d’intelligence géospatiale pilotée par IA pour surveiller les activités économiques, les capacités militaires et les conditions environnementales.

    La plateforme de l’équipe CACI combinera la suite de traitement brevetée IRIS™ d’Intermap avec le logiciel Feature Trace de CACI, en utilisant des modèles AI/ML géospatiaux avancés pour fournir des ensembles de données de caractéristiques précis et presque en temps réel. Cette technologie peut générer des informations pour les analystes et alimenter les mises à jour des DEM et des feuilles de carte grâce à la détection des changements des caractéristiques humaines et naturelles.

    Intermap Technologies wurde in Partnerschaft mit CACI als einer von zehn qualifizierten Anbietern für das Luno A-Programm der National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) ausgewählt. Diese Initiative, die auf bis zu 290 Millionen Dollar über fünf Jahre geschätzt wird, stellt einen erheblichen Anstieg gegenüber dem ursprünglichen Budget von 29 Millionen Dollar für die Initiative zur Überwachung wirtschaftlicher Indikatoren (EIM) dar.

    Luno A hat das Ziel, kontinuierlich aktualisierte, latenzarme Basisdaten bereitzustellen, um kritische nationale Sicherheitsindikatoren zu unterstützen. Das Programm wird kommerzielle Satellitendaten nutzen und fortschrittliche Computer Vision sowie KI-gesteuerte Geoinformation integrieren, um wirtschaftliche Aktivitäten, militärische Fähigkeiten und Umweltbedingungen zu überwachen.

    Die Plattform von Team CACI wird Intermaps patentierte IRIS™-Verarbeitungssoftware mit CACIs Feature Trace-Software kombinieren und fortgeschrittene geospatial AI/ML-Modelle verwenden, um präzise, nahezu in Echtzeit verfügbare Datensätze bereitzustellen. Diese Technologie kann Einblicke für Analysten generieren und DEM- sowie Kartenaktualisierungen durch die Veränderungserkennung von menschengemachten und natürlichen Merkmalen ermöglichen.


    • Selected as one of 10 qualified vendors for NGA’s Luno A program
    • Contract value increased to $290 million over five years, up from initial $29 million budget
    • Partnership with CACI to deliver advanced geospatial AI/ML solutions
    • Integration of Intermap’s IRIS™ processing suite with CACI’s Feature Trace software
    • Potential for expanded role in U.S. government operations

    Luno A budget increased to $290 Million—10x original amount

    Team CACI named key partner for NGA’s commercial Earth observation program

    Intermap advances AI/ML innovation in geospatial intelligence

    DENVER, Sept. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Intermap Technologies (TSX: IMP; OTCQB: ITMSF) (“Intermap” or the “Company”), a global leader in 3D geospatial products and intelligence solutions, today announced that, in partnership with CACI, Inc. – Federal (“CACI”), its team has been selected by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (“NGA”) as one of 10 qualified vendors for the Luno A program.

    Luno A, a new NGA initiative, focuses on providing continually updated, low-latency foundation data to support critical national security indicators. This program represents a significant advancement from the previous Economic Indicator Monitoring (EIM) effort, which began in 2021. Luno A aims to enhance U.S. National Security Community (NSC) insights by leveraging commercial satellite data to monitor a range of factors, including economic activities, military capabilities and environmental conditions. With recent advancements in computer vision and AI-driven geospatial intelligence, Luno A will integrate these technologies to provide real-time, actionable intelligence directly into NSC’s analytic workflows.

    The Luno A contract, valued at up to $290 million over five years, marks a substantial increase from the initial EIM budget of $29 million and the previously planned $60 million ceiling. This growth underscores the expanding role of unclassified computer vision capabilities within U.S. government operations.

    Further to the previous announcement on June 16, 2021, Team CACI’s next-generation platform will combine Intermap’s patented IRIS™ processing suite with CACI’s Feature Trace software. This integration will leverage advanced geospatial AI/ML models to deliver precise, near-real-time feature datasets, reflecting dynamic changes in land usage and infrastructure. This technology can be used standalone to generate insights for analysts as well as powering DEM and map sheet updates through change detection of manmade and natural features.

    This award builds on Intermap’s strategic partnerships with U.S. government agencies and their key suppliers, including NGA, the Pentagon, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Geological Survey, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Affairs and NASA.

    “We are pleased to partner with CACI on the Luno A program and contribute to advancing real-life, 3D computer vision capabilities for the NSC,” said Patrick A. Blott, Chairman and CEO of Intermap. “Our proprietary processing suite, combined with CACI’s technologies, will add context to analytic assessments and power unparalleled insight for national security.”

    Intermap Reader Advisory
    Certain information provided in this news release, including reference to revenue growth, constitutes forward-looking statements. The words “anticipate”, “expect”, “project”, “estimate”, “forecast”, “will be”, “will consider”, “intends” and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. Although Intermap believes that these statements are based on information and assumptions which are current, reasonable and complete, these statements are necessarily subject to a variety of known and unknown risks and uncertainties. Intermap’s forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties pertaining to, among other things, cash available to fund operations, availability of capital, revenue fluctuations, nature of government contracts, economic conditions, loss of key customers, retention and availability of executive talent, competing technologies, common share price volatility, loss of proprietary information, software functionality, internet and system infrastructure functionality, information technology security, breakdown of strategic alliances, and international and political considerations, as well as those risks and uncertainties discussed Intermap’s Annual Information Form and other securities filings. While the Company makes these forward-looking statements in good faith, should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary significantly from those expected. Accordingly, no assurances can be given that any of the events anticipated by the forward-looking statements will transpire or occur, or if any of them do so, what benefits that the Company will derive therefrom. All subsequent forward-looking statements, whether written or oral, attributable to Intermap or persons acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by these cautionary statements. The forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as at the date of this news release and the Company does not undertake any obligation to update publicly or to revise any of the forward-looking statements made herein, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable securities law.

    About Intermap Technologies
    Founded in 1997 and headquartered in Denver, Colorado, Intermap (TSX: IMP; OTCQB: ITMSF) is a global leader in geospatial intelligence solutions, focusing on the creation and analysis of 3D terrain data to produce high-resolution thematic models. Through scientific analysis of geospatial information and patented sensors and processing technology, the Company provisions diverse, complementary, multi-source datasets to enable customers to seamlessly integrate geospatial intelligence into their workflows. Intermap’s 3D elevation data and software analytic capabilities enable global geospatial analysis through artificial intelligence and machine learning, providing customers with critical information to understand their terrain environment. By leveraging its proprietary archive of the world’s largest collection of multi-sensor global elevation data, the Company’s collection and processing capabilities provide multi-source 3D datasets and analytics at mission speed, enabling governments and companies to build and integrate geospatial foundation data with actionable insights. Applications for Intermap’s products and solutions include defense, aviation and UAV flight planning, flood and wildfire insurance, disaster mitigation, base mapping, environmental and renewable energy planning, telecommunications, engineering, critical infrastructure monitoring, hydrology, land management, oil and gas and transportation.

    For more information, please visit or contact:
    Jennifer Bakken
    Executive Vice President and CFO
    +1 (303) 708-0955

    Sean Peasgood
    Investor Relations
    +1 (647) 260-9266


    What is the value of the Luno A contract awarded to Intermap Technologies (ITMSF)?

    The Luno A contract awarded to Intermap Technologies and CACI is valued at up to $290 million over five years.

    How does the Luno A program budget compare to the original Economic Indicator Monitoring (EIM) budget?

    The Luno A program budget of $290 million represents a substantial increase from the initial EIM budget of $29 million and the previously planned $60 million ceiling.

    What technologies will Intermap Technologies (ITMSF) contribute to the Luno A program?

    Intermap Technologies will contribute its patented IRIS™ processing suite, which will be integrated with CACI’s Feature Trace software to leverage advanced geospatial AI/ML models.

    What is the purpose of the NGA’s Luno A program?

    The Luno A program aims to provide continually updated, low-latency foundation data to support critical national security indicators, monitoring economic activities, military capabilities, and environmental conditions using commercial satellite data and AI-driven geospatial intelligence.

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