Mesoblast Option to Issue Up to US$50 Million Convertible Notes for Product Launch | MESO Stock News


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    Mesoblast (Nasdaq:MESO; ASX:MSB) has entered into a convertible note subscription agreement with its largest shareholder, Gregory George, for up to US$50 million in convertible notes. This funding option is contingent on FDA approval of Mesoblast’s lead product candidate Ryoncil® for treating children with steroid-refractory acute graft versus host disease (SR-aGvHD). The agreement allows Mesoblast to issue notes in US$10 million tranches within 90 days of FDA approval, expected by January 7, 2025.

    Key terms include a 5% annual coupon, a conversion price of US$9.06 per ADR, and a 4-year maturity. The company will also issue warrants as commitment fees. This funding will support Mesoblast’s commercial launch strategy, including hiring key personnel, engaging with top treatment centers, and implementing a targeted sales approach focusing on the 15 highest-volume centers accounting for ~50% of patients.

    Mesoblast (Nasdaq:MESO; ASX:MSB) ha stipulato un accordo di sottoscrizione di note convertibili con il suo principale azionista, Gregory George, per un massimo di 50 milioni di dollari USA in note convertibili. Questa opzione di finanziamento è subordinata all’approvazione della FDA per il candidato prodotto principale di Mesoblast, Ryoncil®, per il trattamento di bambini con malattia acuta da rigetto contro l’ospite (SR-aGvHD) refrattaria agli steroidi. L’accordo consente a Mesoblast di emettere note in tranche da 10 milioni di dollari USA entro 90 giorni dall’approvazione della FDA, prevista per il 7 gennaio 2025.

    I termini chiave includono un coupon annuo del 5%, un prezzo di conversione di 9,06 dollari USA per ADR, e una scadenza di 4 anni. La società emetterà anche warrant come commissioni di impegno. Questo finanziamento sosterrà la strategia di lancio commerciale di Mesoblast, inclusa l’assunzione di personale chiave, il coinvolgimento con i migliori centri di trattamento e l’implementazione di un approccio di vendita mirato focalizzato sui 15 centri con il più alto volume che rappresentano circa il 50% dei pazienti.

    Mesoblast (Nasdaq:MESO; ASX:MSB) ha firmado un acuerdo de suscripción de notas convertibles con su mayor accionista, Gregory George, por hasta 50 millones de dólares estadounidenses en notas convertibles. Esta opción de financiamiento está condicionada a la aprobación de la FDA del principal candidato a producto de Mesoblast, Ryoncil®, para tratar a niños con enfermedad injerto contra huésped aguda refractaria a esteroides (SR-aGvHD). El acuerdo permite a Mesoblast emitir notas en tramos de 10 millones de dólares estadounidenses dentro de los 90 días posteriores a la aprobación de la FDA, que se espera para el 7 de enero de 2025.

    Los términos clave incluyen un cupón anual del 5%, un precio de conversión de 9,06 dólares estadounidenses por ADR, y un vencimiento de 4 años. La empresa también emitirá warrants como comisiones de compromiso. Este financiamiento apoyará la estrategia de lanzamiento comercial de Mesoblast, que incluye la contratación de personal clave, el compromiso con los mejores centros de tratamiento y la implementación de un enfoque de ventas dirigido que se centra en los 15 centros de mayor volumen que representan aproximadamente el 50% de los pacientes.

    Mesoblast (Nasdaq:MESO; ASX:MSB)는 최대 5천만 달러의 전환사채에 대해 주요 주주인 Gregory George와 전환사채 구독 계약을 체결했습니다. 이 자금 조달 옵션은 Mesoblast의 주요 제품 후보인 Ryoncil®가 스테로이드 불응성 급성 이식편 대 숙주 질환(SR-aGvHD) 치료를 위한 FDA 승인을 받는 것에 달려 있습니다. 이 계약은 Mesoblast가 FDA 승인 후 90일 이내에 1000만 달러 단위로 채권을 발행할 수 있도록 허용합니다. 승인은 2025년 1월 7일로 예상되고 있습니다.

    주요 조건으로는 연 5%의 쿠폰, ADR당 9.06달러의 전환 가격, 및 4년의 만기가 포함됩니다. 회사는 또한 약속 수수료로서 워런트를 발행할 것입니다. 이 자금은 Mesoblast의 상업적 출시 전략을 지원하며, 여기에는 주요 인력 채용, 최고의 치료 센터와의 협력 및 환자의 약 50%를 차지하는 15개의 고빈도 센터에 중점을 둔 맞춤형 판매 접근 방식의 구현이 포함됩니다.

    Mesoblast (Nasdaq:MESO; ASX:MSB) a conclu un accord de souscription de billets convertibles avec son plus grand actionnaire, Gregory George, pour un montant maximum de 50 millions de dollars US en billets convertibles. Cette option de financement est conditionnée à l’approbation de la FDA du principal candidat produit de Mesoblast, Ryoncil®, pour le traitement des enfants atteints de la maladie du greffon contre l’hôte aiguë réfractaire aux stéroïdes (SR-aGvHD). L’accord permet à Mesoblast d’émettre des billets en tranches de 10 millions de dollars US dans les 90 jours suivant l’approbation de la FDA, prévue pour le 7 janvier 2025.

    Les conditions clés comprennent un coupon annuel de 5%, un prix de conversion de 9,06 dollars US par ADR et une maturité de 4 ans. La société émettra également des bons de souscription en tant que frais d’engagement. Ce financement soutiendra la stratégie de lancement commercial de Mesoblast, y compris l’embauche de personnel clé, l’engagement avec les meilleurs centres de traitement et la mise en œuvre d’une approche de vente ciblée axée sur les 15 centres à plus fort volume représentant environ 50% des patients.

    Mesoblast (Nasdaq:MESO; ASX:MSB) hat eine Vereinbarung über die Zeichnung von wandelbaren Schuldverschreibungen mit seinem größten Aktionär, Gregory George, über bis zu 50 Millionen US-Dollar getroffen. Diese Finanzierungsoption ist abhängig von der Genehmigung durch die FDA für Mesoblasts führenden Produktkandidaten Ryoncil® zur Behandlung von Kindern mit steroidgeführter akuter Graft-versus-Host-Krankheit (SR-aGvHD). Die Vereinbarung ermöglicht es Mesoblast, innerhalb von 90 Tagen nach der FDA-Genehmigung Wandelanleihen in Tranchen zu 10 Millionen US-Dollar auszugeben, die für den 7. Januar 2025 erwartet wird.

    Wesentliche Bedingungen beinhalten einen 5% jährlichen Coupon, einen Umwandlungspreis von 9,06 US-Dollar pro ADR und eine Laufzeit von 4 Jahren. Das Unternehmen wird auch Warrants als Verpflichtungsgebühren ausgeben. Diese Finanzierung wird die kommerzielle Launch-Strategie von Mesoblast unterstützen, einschließlich der Einstellung von Schlüsselpersonal, der Zusammenarbeit mit den besten Behandlungszentren und der Umsetzung eines gezielten Verkaufsansatzes, der sich auf die 15 umsatzstärksten Zentren konzentriert, die etwa 50% der Patienten ausmachen.


    • Potential access to US$50 million in funding for product launch
    • Convertible notes priced at a 25% premium to recent share price
    • Staged funding approach allows for flexibility in capital raising
    • Support from largest shareholder demonstrates confidence in the company
    • Targeted commercial strategy focusing on high-volume treatment centers


    • Dilutive impact on existing shareholders if notes are converted
    • Additional debt on the balance sheet if notes are not converted
    • Funding contingent on FDA approval, which is not guaranteed
    • Warrants issued as commitment fees may lead to further dilution


    This convertible note agreement provides Mesoblast with a flexible financing option tied to a critical regulatory milestone. The $50 million potential funding, available at the company’s discretion upon FDA approval of Ryoncil, could significantly bolster Mesoblast’s commercialization efforts. The 5% coupon rate is relatively favorable in the current interest rate environment.

    Key points to consider:

    • The conversion price of $9.06 per ADR represents a 25% premium to recent trading, potentially limiting dilution if converted.
    • The agreement includes warrant issuances, which could lead to additional dilution but also provide upfront commitment from the investor.
    • The subordinated, unsecured nature of the notes adds some risk for the investor but maintains Mesoblast’s existing secured debt structure.
    • This financing aligns the investor’s interests with regulatory success and provides Mesoblast with capital flexibility for launch preparations.

    Overall, this agreement appears strategically sound, providing Mesoblast with a capital cushion for commercialization without immediate dilution, while tying funding to a key value-driving event.

    The potential FDA approval of Ryoncil for steroid-refractory acute graft versus host disease (SR-aGvHD) in children represents a significant milestone for Mesoblast. This convertible note agreement is strategically timed to support the critical launch phase, if approved. Key considerations:

    • SR-aGvHD is a severe condition with high unmet need and Ryoncil could be a groundbreaking therapy in this space.
    • The company’s staged commercial approach, focusing on the top 15 centers accounting for ~50% of patients, is a cost-effective strategy for a targeted launch.
    • Pre-launch activities, including KOL engagement and payer outreach, are important for market access and adoption in the specialized transplant center setting.
    • The PDUFA date of January 7, 2025, provides a clear timeline for potential approval and subsequent financing availability.

    This financing structure aligns well with the biotech industry’s need for milestone-based funding, particularly for companies transitioning from development to commercialization. It demonstrates investor confidence in Ryoncil’s potential approval and commercial prospects.

    NEW YORK, Sept. 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mesoblast Limited (Nasdaq:MESO; ASX:MSB), global leader in allogeneic cellular medicines for inflammatory diseases, today announced it has entered into a convertible note subscription agreement with its largest shareholder Gregory George (“Investor”) for issue, at its sole discretion, up to US$50.0 million (A$72.7 million) convertible notes on approval by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of Mesoblast’s lead product candidate Ryoncil® (remestemcel-L) in the treatment of children with steroid-refractory acute graft versus host disease (SR-aGvHD). The funding is available at Mesoblast’s option and will enable the Company to seamlessly implement its go-to-market commercial strategy. Mesoblast anticipates a decision prior to or on the FDA’s Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) goal date of January 7, 2025.

    Mesoblast Chief Executive Silviu Itescu said: “We appreciate the ongoing support from our major shareholder in ensuring that the Company is well capitalized for commercial product launch and can hit the ground running immediately following approval of RYONCIL by FDA.”

    Activities For Go to Market Strategy for RYONCIL in children with SR-aGvHD

    • Hiring of select senior positions to build targeted commercial team has commenced.
    • Key Pre-Launch Activities include:
      • Market Access initiates payer outreach
      • Medical provides education to payers
      • Corporate leadership initiates engagement with Top 15 centers
      • Regional sales directors lead center profiling
      • Ongoing KOL engagement with greatest experience using RYONCIL at highest volume centers
      • Non-promotional activities including profiling high-volume centers, education on disease awareness & unmet needs, and payer engagement
    • Post-launch – Staged approach based on centers with highest volume and experience with product.
    • Targeted sales force with experience in bone marrow transplant centers – 15 highest volume centers account for ~50% of patients.

    Key terms of the Convertible Notes

    Mesoblast at its sole discretion, to issue up to US$50 million of convertible notes in tranches of US$10 million at any time following an FDA approval of RYONCIL for a 90-day period. The convertible notes have a coupon of 5% per annum on the face value of issued notes. A commitment fee comprising 2 million warrants to subscribe for up to 2 million ordinary shares (or 200,000 Mesoblast ADRs) is payable on signing of the convertible note subscription agreement and a further commitment fee comprising 3 million warrants to subscribe for up to 3 million ordinary shares (300,000 Mesoblast ADRs) is payable on the first issue of convertible notes. The warrants have an exercise price of US$9.06 per ADR and a maturity date of 4 years from the date of first issuance of the warrants.

    The conversion price of the convertible notes will be US$9.06 per ADR (American Depository Receipt) equivalent to A$1.32 per ASX-listed share, representing a 25% premium to Mesoblast’s 5-day volume weighted average share price (“VWAP”) up to and including the close of trading on NASDAQ on Friday, September 27th, 2024.

    The maturity date of the convertible notes will be 4 years after the first issuance of notes (unless redeemed or converted earlier). At any time up to the maturity date, the Investor may elect to convert convertible notes issued into fully paid ordinary shares or ADRs of Mesoblast, at the conversion price.

    The convertible notes will be unsecured and be subordinated to the Company’s two existing secured financing facilities. The conversion price is subject to adjustment mechanisms in the event of future share issues, capital reductions, share consolidations and other corporate actions in accordance with customary adjustment rules.

    About Mesoblast
    Mesoblast (the Company) is a world leader in developing allogeneic (off-the-shelf) cellular medicines for the treatment of severe and life-threatening inflammatory conditions. The Company has leveraged its proprietary mesenchymal lineage cell therapy technology platform to establish a broad portfolio of late-stage product candidates which respond to severe inflammation by releasing anti-inflammatory factors that counter and modulate multiple effector arms of the immune system, resulting in significant reduction of the damaging inflammatory process.

    Mesoblast has a strong and extensive global intellectual property portfolio with protection extending through to at least 2041 in all major markets. The Company’s proprietary manufacturing processes yield industrial-scale, cryopreserved, off-the-shelf, cellular medicines. These cell therapies, with defined pharmaceutical release criteria, are planned to be readily available to patients worldwide.

    Mesoblast is developing product candidates for distinct indications based on its remestemcel-L and rexlemestrocel-L allogeneic stromal cell technology platforms. Remestemcel-L is being developed for inflammatory diseases in children and adults including steroid refractory acute graft versus host disease, and biologic-resistant inflammatory bowel disease. Rexlemestrocel-L is being developed for advanced chronic heart failure and chronic low back pain. Two products have been commercialized in Japan and Europe by Mesoblast’s licensees, and the Company has established commercial partnerships in Europe and China for certain Phase 3 assets.

    Mesoblast has locations in Australia, the United States and Singapore and is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (MSB) and on the Nasdaq (MESO). For more information, please see, LinkedIn: Mesoblast Limited and Twitter: @Mesoblast

    Forward-Looking Statements
    This press release includes forward-looking statements that relate to future events or our future financial performance and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause our actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements to differ materially from any future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. We make such forward-looking statements pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other federal securities laws. Forward-looking statements should not be read as a guarantee of future performance or results, and actual results may differ from the results anticipated in these forward-looking statements, and the differences may be material and adverse. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements about: the initiation, timing, progress and results of Mesoblast’s preclinical and clinical studies, and Mesoblast’s research and development programs; Mesoblast’s ability to advance product candidates into, enroll and successfully complete, clinical studies, including multi-national clinical trials; Mesoblast’s ability to advance its manufacturing capabilities; the timing or likelihood of regulatory filings and approvals (including any future decision that the FDA may make on the BLA for remestemcel-L for pediatric patients with SR-aGVHD), manufacturing activities and product marketing activities, if any; the commercialization of Mesoblast’s product candidates, if approved; regulatory or public perceptions and market acceptance surrounding the use of stem-cell based therapies; the potential for Mesoblast’s product candidates, if any are approved, to be withdrawn from the market due to patient adverse events or deaths; the potential benefits of strategic collaboration agreements and Mesoblast’s ability to enter into and maintain established strategic collaborations; Mesoblast’s ability to establish and maintain intellectual property on its product candidates and Mesoblast’s ability to successfully defend these in cases of alleged infringement; the scope of protection Mesoblast is able to establish and maintain for intellectual property rights covering its product candidates and technology; estimates of Mesoblast’s expenses, future revenues, capital requirements and its needs for additional financing; Mesoblast’s financial performance; developments relating to Mesoblast’s competitors and industry; and the pricing and reimbursement of Mesoblast’s product candidates, if approved. You should read this press release together with our risk factors, in our most recently filed reports with the SEC or on our website. Uncertainties and risks that may cause Mesoblast’s actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from those which may be expressed or implied by such statements, and accordingly, you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. We do not undertake any obligations to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise.

    Release authorized by the Chief Executive.

    For more information, please contact:


    What is the maximum amount of convertible notes Mesoblast can issue under the new agreement?

    Mesoblast can issue up to US$50 million in convertible notes under the new agreement with its largest shareholder.

    What is the conversion price for the convertible notes issued by Mesoblast (MESO)?

    The conversion price for the convertible notes is US$9.06 per ADR, equivalent to A$1.32 per ASX-listed share.

    When is the FDA decision expected for Mesoblast’s Ryoncil® (MESO)?

    The FDA decision for Mesoblast’s Ryoncil® is expected by the PDUFA goal date of January 7, 2025.

    What is the primary use of the potential funding for Mesoblast (MESO)?

    The potential funding is intended to support Mesoblast’s go-to-market commercial strategy for Ryoncil® in treating children with steroid-refractory acute graft versus host disease.

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