Trump’s Niece Says Ex-President ‘Has Every Reason To Be Scared’ Of Kamala Harris


    Following Donald Trump hinting at sidestepping a debate with Kamala Harris, Mary Trump, the niece of the former president and a psychologist, weighed in with her thoughts.

    Can’t Compete: Donald Trump can’t compete with Harris and “deep down he knows it,” said Mary Trump in a Substack post published on Sunday. She wrote that her uncle’s “disastrous” appearance at the National Association of Black Journalists conference underlined “how quickly he became incapable of controlling himself, of modulating his responses, of pretending.”

    Mary Trump, a podcaster and author who has been a vocal critic of her uncle, noted that his polling lead has evaporated since Harris became the presumptive Democratic nominee 11 days ago. Also, Mary Trump noted that Harris more than doubled Trump’s fundraising for the entirety of July.

    Delving at the logic as to why Donald Trump’s campaign team wanted him to go to the NABJ event, his niece said it may have to do with the former president taking a back seat to a Black woman who has “all the energy, enthusiasm and youth” on her side.

    Donald Trump is 78 years old, nearly 20 years older than Harris.

    Referring to Donald Trump’s showing at the NABJ event, Mary Trump said, “As soon as he realized he wasn’t going to get the kind of softball questions usually lobbed at him, however, he reverted to type and acted, without an ounce of self-control, like the racist bully he is.” 

    “He is exactly what he seems: a racist, a misogynist, a liar. He is a bully who has no business getting anywhere near the White House. His pulling out of the debate should remind us that he is also a monumental coward,” she added.

    Mary Trump also said Harris reminds him every day that “he has every reason to be scared – because he is a loser.”

    See Also: Anthony Scaramucci Says Trump Could Drop His Presidential Bid Against Kamala Harris If This Happens: ‘I Know How This Man Thinks’

    Why It’s Important: Mary Trump’s comments about the presidential race come as FiveThirtyEight’s polling averages show that as of Aug. 4, Kamala Harris is ahead of Donald Trump by 1.5 percentage points.

    A new CBS News/YouGov nationwide poll whose results were published Sunday showed that nationally, Harris had a one-point lead over her Republican rival. Joe Biden was down by five points against Donald Trump when he quit the race, CBS News said. In the battleground states, Donald Trump and Harris were in a deadlock, the poll found.

    Younger Democrats and Black voters are becoming more engaged and are now leaning toward voting and women also favor Harris as they trust her with protecting their interest, potentially shifting the momentum in her favor, the report added.

    Harris is also at an advantage with respective to her cognitive health to serve, the poll found.

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